Parliamentary Finance: The government delayed delivery of the draft budget 2018

Parliamentary Finance: The government delayed delivery of the draft budget 2018

2017/10/22 23:04

Parliamentary Finance - The government delayed delivery of the draft budget 2018[Ayn-Baghdad]
A member of the Finance Committee parliamentary, the government delayed the submission of the draft law of the state budget for the year 2018.
“At a time when Iraq and the whole region are going through a political crisis that is almost subduing social peace in line with this political crisis, the economic crisis is worse and worse,” committee member Ahmad al-Haj Rashid said in a statement.
He added that “Iraq is one of the most indebted countries in the region and is still looking for countries and institutions to pay them to burden the Iraqi citizen with debt is useless and most goes to the direction of consumer spending, which see researchers and academics in the economic field that these debts deferred tax paid by future generations.
Rachid pointed out that “from this point of view and a sense of our responsibilities towards our people, I draw this speech to the political elites and the people’s deputies to pressure the federal government not to resort to loans and increased indebtedness and the trend towards multiple revenues and austerity.”
He pointed out that “according to the timing of the date of arrival of the budget in the law of financial management and public debt is 10 of October each year, the government has been delayed in sending the budget bill to the House of Representatives so far more than 10 days,” demanding “the government to accelerate the preparation Project in the final form and send it to the House of Representatives to decide it because any delay leads to the disruption of plans and programs. ”
“The federal government is committed to its constitutional, legal and moral responsibilities to pay the salaries of the region’s employees through advance advances, especially the airports and border crossings and oil wells are under the authority of the federal state.
The Cabinet announced in its discussions of the financial budget for 2018, the adoption of the budget to reduce expenditures significantly.