Parliamentary Finance reveals to “Al-Ma’louma” the details of the discussions between Iraq and America regarding the dollar

Parliamentary Finance reveals to “Al-Ma’louma” the details of the discussions between Iraq and America regarding the dollar


Parliamentary Finance reveals to Al-Ma’louma the details of the discussions between Iraq and America regarding the dollarInformation / Baghdad..
Today, Monday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the details of the discussions between Iraq and America regarding the price of the dollar against the dinar, while indicating that the Central Bank of Iraq has developed solutions to control the continuous rise in exchange rates.

A member of the Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kazemi, said in an interview with Al-Maalomah, that “the Central Bank is making intensive efforts through its discussions with the US Federal Reserve to ease restrictions on Iraqi banks, as well as developing practical solutions to liberalize the Iraqi currency by opening outlets in most countries of the world for dealing.” In various foreign currencies instead of the dollar.

He added, “The restrictions imposed by the US Federal Reserve and the failure to release Iraqi funds in dollars are behind political reasons for the purpose of its dominance over countries of the world, including Iraq.”

He pointed out that “Iraq receives approximately $10 billion monthly from selling oil, but it is deposited in the US Federal Reserve, which is constantly trying to obstruct its release.”

Al-Kadhimi continued, “The Central Bank has taken new measures by opening multiple outlets in countries around the world that deal in the currencies of the Chinese yuan, the Indian rupee, the European euro, and the Emirati dirham.”

It is noteworthy that the US sanctions are raising a wave of concern among the Iraqis, especially since all government and central bank measures have not succeeded in bringing the parallel exchange rate closer to the official rate.