Parliamentary Finance: low central bank sales of the dollar led to rise against the dinar

Parliamentary Finance: low central bank sales of the dollar led to rise against the dinar

Posted, 10/5/2016 18:44

Iraqi dinar-Dollar{Baghdad} Euphrates News said the Parliamentary Finance Committee member Ahmed Sarhan, said that “the low central bank sales of the dollar led to the rise against the Iraqi dinar.”
Ahmed said in a statement to Agence {Euphrates News} on Monday that ” the central bank sales of the dollar fell, and thus caused this decline to the rise in the dollar against the Iraqi parents,” appealing to the central bank launched the largest of the dollar in the domestic market amounts.
He continued saying that ” the lack of Asking for the dollar supply from the central bank is the main reason for higher dollar exchange rate , “stressing that” the rise of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar would negatively affect the Iraqi economy. ” Ended h