Parliamentary Finance is likely to pass the budget next Saturday after compatibility with Kurdistan
Parliamentary Finance is likely to pass the budget next Saturday after compatibility with Kurdistan
02-24-2021 11:03 AM
A parliamentary Finance Committee almost, on Wednesday, the arrival of negotiations between Arbil and Baghdad to the end point, indicating that the parliament is ready to pass the budget next Saturday .
Committee member Sherwan Mirza said in a statement to “Tigris”, “The next two days will hold final meetings to resolve the issue of the Kurdistan region’s share of the federal budget for 2021 and confirm it formally and according to a final agreement.”
He added, “The rapprochement between Baghdad and Erbil is very important, and there will be a joint agreement on the Kurdistan region’s share in the coming hours, in a manner that satisfies all parties.”
He explained that “the indicators are moving towards passing the budget next Saturday, as a maximum, in case the final agreement between Baghdad and Erbil is announced .”