Parliamentary economy: ration card will see an improvement in its vocabulary and distributed during the current year

Parliamentary economy: ration card will see an improvement in its vocabulary and distributed during the current year


ration cards

Parliamentary economy: ration card will see an improvement in its vocabulary and distributed during the current year 4/15/13 [img][/img] confirmed member of the parliamentary economic committee Nora Salem card Altamoana will witness an improvement in the distribution mechanism and the quality of its vocabulary after increasing financial allocations in the federal budget for the current year.

Said Salem in a press statement that the reason for delay distribution of the ration card Altamoana during the current year is lack of financial allocations for the Ministry of Trade and including Maitalq vocabulary card during the previous period and also the delay in the vote on the budget, which led to the delay in the arrival of the amounts allocated to the ministries and also contracts that are given, it is found the delay in the payment of amounts. “

And confirmed Salem “It would be in this budget increase in the amounts allocated to the card by about $ 800 million from last year and will reflect positively on increasing vocabulary in addition to the agreement with the Council of Ministers on the food basket even though he has so far not agreed to the company that holds the contract” .

And made it clear that “there will be a smooth distribution and the absence of weight loss, which has long complained to the citizen.”

She Salem said “food exist, but there is a delay in shipping and many mistakes borne Ministry of Commerce and also agents, a problem can not be solved in a short period, but at this stage of La Paz in managed trade minister in control or reduce corruption Almujdod his ministry and which are known the existence of corrupted files large “