Parliamentary Economy: lifting the Second Amendment to the investment law for the final vote
Parliamentary Economy: lifting the Second Amendment to the investment law for the final vote
12/8/2015 4:28 p.m.
Oalant committee of economy and investment parliamentary lifting the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 to the final vote in parliamentary sessions over the next few days.
According to a statement of the Commission received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, it’s on Wednesday held a meeting headed by Jawad al-Chairman of the Committee and in the presence of its members to discuss the final notes for the second amendment to the Iraqi Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 “.
Bolani said according to the statement that “it was agreed to raise the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 for the final vote during the next few days because of its importance at this critical stage after it has been putting the final touches to the law because it is important to strengthen the Iraqi economy movement, as well as the most solution realistic to the crisis that is currently afflicting the country due to the decline in oil prices in the markets Global and the resulting pressure on the state budget. ”
He noted that the “Draft Amendments met all the conditions of the first reading and second and discussions punctuated by a series of conferences, seminars and meetings with all the relevant authorities.”
He continued Bolani that “observations raised during an expanded meeting of the Committee It was attended by the investment community representatives in government ministries and agencies and also several meetings with the private sector. ”
He explained that he “was reached legal texts would activate the investment sector in ministries that rely mainly financed by the public budget,” adding that “the amendments will be responsive to the ambitious domestic and foreign private sector. ”
and between the parliamentary economics chief said “the majority of the Iraqi ministries, including the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Health, Trade and Industry as well as the ministries of defense, finance and possess the capabilities and capacities of a great Mkanat enable them to play an active role in economic development and to maximize the movement of investment if channeled properly to exploit potential in a scientific manner. ”
He noted that “this means converting these energies than just assets and real estate and land inert to vital economic centers to stimulate the development wheel and supplement the general budget of the new revenues are added to oil imports.”
For their part, accept members of the committee studies made by the investment departments in ministries which included projects for the development of strategic industries needed by the country and its relationship to food security and health, which calls for a legal framework to include investment law allows for these ministries to exploit its assets in investment through the development of mechanisms and clear with the National Commission for Astosmar.anthy