Parliamentary Economy: coming days will witness a rise of goods because of the dollar

Parliamentary Economy: coming days will witness a rise of goods because of the dollar

2016/1/26 10:08

Parliamentary Economy - coming days will witness a rise of goods because of the dollar[Baghdad – where]
expectation for economic and investment commission in Parliament member Ahmed Kanani, to witness the coming days, an increase of goods, “stressing that” the Central Bank of Iraq in front of the World Bank is committed to maintaining the dollar’s exchange rate. ”
He said Kanani told all of Iraq [where], that “the dollar will remain conservative, the Central Bank is committed to the World Bank and the site to maintain this price [dollar] price,” noting “there is no effect on the goods at the present time.”
However, “but months and days the next there will probably be a crisis with high commodity and dollar prices.
“He stressed Kanani” should we avoid this crisis and put solutions before we Government and the Parliament of the position of embarrassing in front of the Iraqi people, “stressing the need to” exploit the visions and ideas and using them to lift the economy.
“The Iraq faces a financial crisis Because of the sharp decline of oil, in terms of financial budget for this year with a total expenditure of more than 105 trillion deficit accounted for 22.8%, reaching a total revenue of the 81 trillion and 700 billion dinars.
He accused the economic affairs adviser in the prime minister, Abdul Hussein Al-Anbuge central bank following the policy of “distorted, and inconsistent, “the shadow of the financial crisis in the country.
He held Anbuge, in a statement to [where], the central bank” big responsibility for the adoption of the distorted monetary policy and inconsistent the current time, it is an incentive policy, when Bank banks lent up to 6.5 trillion dinars to support investment in important productivity to counter the slide toward the massive contraction that may lies ahead sectors, which is true conduct and support, “noting that” this recession Snnzlq him probably caused by a decline in Iraq’s foreign exchange earnings.
“He stressed,” if he insisted [the central bank] to maintain price high of the dinar against the dollar for fear of prejudice in Iraqi dinars, the Iraqi economy as a whole will be threatened, we will put the economy at the head of the crisis sweeping instead of being put in the less dangerous “.anthy 2 angle