Parliamentary Economic Commission: Do not delay behind the deletion of zeros stability
Parliamentary Economic Commission: Do not delay behind the deletion of zeros stability
11:20: 05/10/2015
Khandan – The Economic Commission representative, that the instability of economic policy in the country, the most prominent factors behind postpone the implementation of the project to delete the zeros of the currency, saying that the central bank can not single-handedly accomplish this important project without the support of the government. She said committee member Nora Albjara, that “The government has completed all the mechanisms relating to the draft deletion of zeros from the currency since the year 2013 and was able to complete the project within the required specifications,” noting that “no project application came for political and economic reasons.” confirmed Albjara told the “morning” that “the most appropriate time that it was possible that the project to delete the zeros of the currency is implemented in 2012 because of the unstable political and economic climate and because of the high oil prices, as well as financial abundance at the time that allowed the state to start deleting zeros currency “. She was a member of the Economic Committee deplored “the lack of cabinet vote then on the project , which caused the loss of an opportunity to achieve financial stability and to avoid the effects of high oil prices. ” and showed Albjara, that the project application now it’s difficult in the absence of opportunities for political, economic and security stability, noting that “the government has reached the vessels solutions to address the significant cluster of cash so it resorted to issuing currency category 50 000 dinars to absorb inflation, which will be issued effectively over the next few months, “adding that the new currency comes under the international standards.”