Parliamentary Commission of Economy: host Shaways postpone until further notice

Parliamentary Commission of Economy: host Shaways postpone until further notice

Date: Monday 05/07/2012 15:36

Baghdad (news) .. both the Commission on the economy and investment representative, to postpone hosting the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, Rose Nuri Shaways and Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi until further notice. 
It was hoped to be the day to host Shaways of the Committee after the host yesterday Shabibi on the background of fluctuation in the rate exchange of the dinar against the dollar. An official source at the Committee for the reporter Agency (news) said on Monday: Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways has apologized for the presence of host due to its commitments, indicating the following: that Shabibi is also apologized for the audience today are two dimensions hosted yesterday for a four- hours. witnessing the Iraqi market rise significantly from time to time in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, as it arrived in hair buy dollars in some of the past few days to 1300 dinars, while the price specified by the Central Bank to this day is 1166 dinars, an increase of 134 dinars per dollar This is equivalent to about 11 percent of the price specified formally. / Finished / d. N /