Parliamentary change refutes allegations agreement would quit Barzani

Parliamentary change refutes allegations agreement would quit Barzani

Published on: 6-27-2016, 12:49

Parliamentary change refutes allegations agreement would quit BarzaniBAGHDAD / Sky Press
Denied an MP for the mass change parliamentary Shirin Reza, on Monday, the news reported by the media biased on reaching the mass change and democratic Union agreement on the need to isolate the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani of the office.

Reza said in a statement received “Sky Press,” that “some of the media dealt with tendentious news story quoting me that that block change and democratic Union agreed to isolate Barzani from office, and refused to hold a referendum Alanvasal and the announcement of a Kurdish state.”

MP Shirin satisfaction and confirmed that it did not make any statement in this regard to any media outlets, warning that some of the media from the transfer of a news story in its name without a permit issued them, Z threatened to sue those means.

And showed satisfaction that “the issue of a referendum to secede from Baghdad and the declaration of a Kurdish state determined the fate of the Kurdish people, not only we have the right to reject or approve unless the Kurds decide that.”

The MP for the province of Nineveh, Abdul Rahman Alloizi accused, on Sunday, the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, to exercise “political expansive chauvinism” in the province, calling on international organizations to register “crimes” the party to prosecute the perpetrators.

It is said that the President of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani called, earlier, the Kurdish political forces to take the necessary measures to create a national public opinion on the issue of the referendum and independence.