Parliamentarians: should exploit the expected Barzani’s visit to Baghdad to end the outstanding issues

Parliamentarians: should exploit the expected Barzani’s visit to Baghdad to end the outstanding issues

19/06/2013 12:00 AM

Parliamentarians: should exploit the expected Barzani's visit to Baghdad to end the outstanding issuesUnanimously agreed that they sign the best proof detente political
BAGHDAD – Muhannad Abdul Wahab
expect parliamentarians that the yield visit of the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani to Baghdad in the coming days, the results will reset crises with Arbil, which have increased in recent times, before experiencing a decline due to the exchange of official visits between the center and the region, stressing that the intensification of visits between the political parties can establish a new kernel of relationships that support the language of dialogue.
were Kurdish sources have revealed near the visit of the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani to Baghdad in order to discuss a number of outstanding issues and activation of committees formed between the province and the center for the settlement of a number of points that have been agreed between the parties in earlier times.
and MP from the Kurdistan Alliance bloc Qasim Muhammad Qasim, visit the region’s president to Baghdad as “the first signs of good and an important gateway for breakthrough political crisis experienced by the country.” said Qasim In an interview for “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network,” The announcement of this visit is in the joint work that contributes to the creation of measurements of the quality of a new political action based on the basis of dialogue and peaceful coexistence among all the sons of Iraq, saying “The visit represents a supplement to the initiated by political leaders of dialogues to resolve all the belongings, especially oil and gas law, which is one of the laws that concern the Iraqi people and not the province only, and strive to reach satisfactory solutions entail benefits and national for all the people.
believes MP “The exchange of visits is a new foundations that Ikhtha leaders of Iraq Federal Democratic and lays the foundation for the premises life New contribute to bridging the gap between the components and the spectra of the people, “calling” to become these visits conventionally politically constructed on the basis of citizenship and belonging and not on the basis of loyalty, and make new kernel to create a positive atmosphere among all the political blocs, “stressing at the same time” the need to be careful all the political blocs to devote its work within the framework of mutual dialogue, breaking down on the tone convulsive in the statements that arouse resentment of some political blocs are working to transform the political landscape into an arena of conflict between the blocs, which could reflect negatively on the reality of life for citizens. ” For its part, the Commission invited the legal representative to vote on the oil and gas law, noting “that it became possible after the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s recent visit to Arbil and the agreement with the head of the province to pass a law according to constitutional frameworks”, stressing the need to exploit the visit of Prime region expected to Baghdad, aimed at resolving the most important files that disrupted the relationship between the two parties, particularly oil and gas law. A member of the Oil and Energy Committee Abdul Hussein al-Yasiri in an interview for “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network,” “The sharp differences that انتابت relationship with the central government in Kurdistan on the law of oil and gas was the most prominent obstacles that delayed the legislation law,” noting that “the Constitution said in his texts that Law Department in coordination between the federal government and the provincial government, saying that “this case is solvable in the framework of joint action and calling for bilateral dialogue to resolve the crises in accordance with the constitutional frameworks.” In turn, the Attorney for the rule of law, Ihsan al-Awadi, “This visit comes in continuation of visits earlier confirmed to make the dialogue is the premise to resolve all crises and obstacles facing the joint work between the province and the center.”
In the meantime, Wade MP for the coalition in Iraq full-Dulaimi “exchange visits between the federal government and the province, “saying it was” the nucleus of a new phase of dialogues aimed at concepts to devote the language of joint action in order to build a democratic Iraq on the basis of citizenship. ”
and called in an interview for “Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network,” all political parties to follow the example These visits in order to save the political process from sliding into the abyss of ditching partisan and sectarian and factional and lay the foundations of blood brothers and one “. He pointed to “the need to repeat these visits because they serve as a cornerstone in the mature constants task of national action and activate the language of dialogue in accordance with the common interest for all Iraqi people. Saying” these visits a turning point and a new beginning for the activation of the participants of national mission, which will bring Iraq to its natural place and leadership in the region and all through the house in order from the inside Iraqi. ”