Parliamentarian on Kurdistan’s share of the budget: The government has settled the controversy

Parliamentarian on Kurdistan’s share of the budget: The government has settled the controversy


Parliamentarian on Kurdistans share of the budget - The government has settled the controversyInformation / special.
On Sunday, the representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, revealed the mechanism that will be followed in order to determine the share of the Kurdistan region from the general budget, while stressing that there are dues that must be adhered to by the region before fixing their percentage in the budget.

Al-Baldawi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, that “the new government will not deprive the central and southern governorates of their shares in the general budget and give them to any party without their entitlement,” noting that “the government will follow the population census percentage mechanism in determining the region’s share.”

He added, “It was agreed that the population census is the main determinant of the share that will be placed in the 2023 budget,” noting that “the new government works according to the principle of social justice among all components.”

He continued, “The suggestions of raising the region’s share in the general budget are untrue, and the population census mechanism is the decisive factor in this matter,” pointing out that “there are dues that must be adhered to by the region before fixing their percentage of the general budget.”

A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Ali Turki, had confirmed earlier to Al-Maalouma, that “the percentage of the Kurdish component of the budget is still 12%, while he indicated that the percentage that the region takes now has been estimated through the population census and will not be modified unless a census is conducted.” A second in the coming years.”