Parliament throws the ball oil and gas law in the court of the government
Parliament throws the ball oil and gas law in the court of the government
Information / Baghdad..
The Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee considered, on Tuesday, that the oil and gas law is a controversial law for nearly 15 years and has not been enacted until now, indicating that it is too early to talk about enacting this law during the coming period, as it has not been resolved by the government.
A member of the committee, Bassem Naghimish, said in an interview seen by / information /, that “the oil and gas law is a law that was carried over from previous sessions and was not presented in the committee and was not placed for the first reading, and it is supposed to be presented in the parliament session, but the law originally did not reach parliament from the government to right Now”.
Ngemish added, “This law has been the subject of a dispute between political forces since 2003 until today,” explaining that these differences “is summarized in the existence of eleven points, which were later reduced after long negotiations to only five, most of which relate to the management of fields and wells, the distribution of revenues, and others.”
He continued, “The draft law has not yet entered into discussion in the Oil and Gas Committee, as it has not been resolved by the government.”