Parliament supports Al-Kazemi’s proposal to reduce and rationalize the state’s administrative structures

Parliament supports Al-Kazemi’s proposal to reduce and rationalize the state’s administrative structures

5/16/2020 14:16

Parliament supports Al-Kazemis proposal to reduce and rationalize the states administrative structures[Baghdad-Ain]
The Committee for the Implementation of the Government Program and Strategic Planning commented today, Saturday, on the new cabinet decision headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi to reduce and rationalize administrative structures in the Iraqi state.
Committee member Star Jabbar said, in a press statement, that “previous governments had reduced and merged some ministries, and this experience was positive, as it was not without negatives”, stressing that “Iraq is going through a stifling economic circumstance, and rationalization and curtailment of state institutions limits From some exchange, but this rationalization, reduction or abolishment must be carefully studied. ”

Jabbar said, “This step is very important, especially since there is an overlap in many of the powers of the Iraqi state institutions and a conflict between institutions with some important decisions,” stressing “reviewing the work of state institutions and merging with each other or canceling part of it.”

He explained that the committee “is awaiting the arrival of a letter from the Prime Minister, regarding the institutions that will be canceled or merged, for the purpose of studying this step, so that we can offer our opinion, and our proposals, especially that some of our proposals will be binding,” noting that “canceling or merging the institutions of the Iraqi state, needs To the parliament’s vote. ”

The Cabinet decided during its second regular session, headed by Al-Kazemi on May 12, to reduce and rationalize the administrative structures of the state, calling on every government agency to present its vision in this field.