Parliament resumes on Wednesday and its agenda without a vote on the budget

Parliament resumes on Wednesday and its agenda without a vote on the budget

Monday, January 19 / January 2015 16:38

Parliament resumes on Wednesday and its agenda without a vote on the budget[Baghdad-where]

Resumes the House of Representatives on Wednesday after regular meetings with his agenda without the advertiser of the draft budget for fiscal 2015 Act or voting on it.

According to a statement of the Council received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of the agenda includes a “first reading of the draft Fifth Amendment to the law maintenance of irrigation and drainage networks No. 12 of 1995, and the first reading of the draft secretion of land and orchards within the basic design of the city of Baghdad and municipal law.”

It also includes the agenda, “the first reading of the draft law agricultural land rent, and the first reading of the draft law of the Federal Court.”

The House of Representatives has raised its 12 this month after he completed the second reading of the budget until Tuesday and then decided to postpone the hearing to Wednesday to allow the completion of the relevant committees Aamalha.anthy