Parliament presidency.. Al-Mashhadani is very close to winning it
Parliament presidency.. Al-Mashhadani is very close to winning it
In the latest information leaked from the political chambers of both the Sunni and Shiite components, it seems that there is a consensus among the majority of political blocs on the nomination of the former Speaker of Parliament, Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, especially the Coordination Framework.
The agreement on Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani angered Al-Halbousi after his last candidate, Shaalan Al-Karim, left the competition after lawsuits were filed against him on charges of glorifying the former regime’s president.
The leader in the State of Law Coalition, Sheikh Haider Al-Lami, revealed that the political forces had reached an agreement to secure the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives in favor of MP Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani.
Al-Lami said in an exclusive statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “The political forces have reached an agreement to secure the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives, without disclosing the source that informed him of the agreement.”
He added that “the agreement was reached to support MP Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, one of the candidates for the position,” while indicating that “the agreement to hold a session to elect a new Speaker of Parliament will be held on Tuesday of next week.”
The Coordination Framework confirmed that all its political forces agreed to support Mahmoud
Al-Mashhadani for the presidency of the House of Representatives. Ali Al-Fatlawi, a leader in the framework, told Al-Maalouma, “The Coordination Framework agreed during its last meeting to support Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani’s nomination for the presidency of the House of Representatives, with the consensus of all its political forces, and agreed to set a date for the election session on the 22nd or 23rd of this month.”
He added, “The Sunni political forces are responsible for not electing a parliament speaker over the past months due to disagreement and conflict among them, and for this reason the Coordination Framework is determined to resolve this issue.”
Al-Fatlawi continued, “If some Sunni parties boycott the election session, the Coordination Framework will pass the candidate it supports according to the parliamentary majority it possesses, and all the main political parties have been informed of this matter.”
For his part, the leader of the United Anbar Alliance, Mohammed Al-Fahdawi, revealed on Thursday that an agreement had been reached between the Coordination Framework, Sovereignty, Azm and some Sunni MPs to pass the candidate for the position of Parliament Speaker, MP Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, indicating that the agreement was reached as a result of the inability of Sovereignty and Azm to pass their candidate, MP Salem Al-Issawi.
Al-Fahdawi said in a statement to / Al-Maalouma / agency, that “three weeks ago, there was a political movement between Sovereignty headed by Khamis Al-Khanjar and Azm headed by Muthanna Al-Samarrai, where it was agreed to pass MP Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani for the position of Parliament Speaker, after they realized their inability to pass their candidate, MP Salem Al-Issawi, for the position.”
He added that “Sovereignty, Azm and some Sunni representatives opened a dialogue with parties in the Coordination Framework, where it was agreed to choose Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani as a candidate for the position, indicating that “if a session is held to elect the Speaker of Parliament, Al-Mashhadani will be passed smoothly.”
It is noteworthy that the House of Representatives held several sessions to elect a new speaker, but they did not lead to resolving the crisis, due to the insistence of the “Progress” bloc, headed by former Speaker of Parliament Mohammed Al-Halbousi, on the position as an entitlement to it, while the “Sovereignty” bloc, headed by Khamis Al-Khanjar and other Sunni blocs, believe that the position is an entitlement for the Sunni component and not for a party or bloc.