Parliament lifted its for the next week, after listening to the report of the Parliamentary Committee for the events of Fallujah

House of Representatives decided to raise its ninth in the second legislative term held today under the chairmanship of Osama Najafi in the presence of 169 deputies on Tuesday of next week after finishing first and second readings of three laws and look at the preliminary report on the unfortunate events in Fallujah.

And resulted in the beginning of the meeting Thamer Ibrahim Zahir was sworn in as a substitute vice martyr Aifan Saadoun al-Eifan, who killed a suicide bombing attack on him a few weeks ago in the district of Fallujah.

Then the Council ended the first reading of the draft law of the Ministry of Health and sponsored by the committees of health, environment and legal for the purpose of developing devices and the Ministry of Health so as to ensure health care and safety of citizens and raise the level of health and provide the services to various medical and preventive, curative and reconsider some administrative formations in the Ministry of Health.

The Council also completed the first reading of the draft law of the First Amendment of the Law on the Protection of Iraqi products {11} for the year 2010 submitted by the committees of economy, investment and legal.

And completed the second reading of the bill the second amendment to the law laid-back political {24} for the year 2005 as amended and submitted by the committees of the martyrs and victims, political prisoners and legal.

In interventions on the bill MP Riad Ghraib law that is very important for the affected segment of the previous regime in order to provide an opportunity for those who could not complete his official transactions in government departments, calling for the extension of the period to the end of this year instead of June 30.

The MP Hamid Buffy proposed to extend the law another year, whether inside Iraq or in Iraqi embassies for the benefit of Iraqis affected by the former regime.

He MP Abdul Hussein Abtan need to shed light on a period of extended work through the media, pointing out the importance of addressing routine in the work of the special committee formed in this regard.

The MP said Hanan al importance extension be for the last time and work to close the file of political re-separated Open 9 years ago, especially with the presence of thousands of covered who have nothing to do with political separation.

For his part, MP Abbas al-Bayati pointed out that the extension will serve the affected system and a private slice Faili Kurds who suffer from delayed formal procedures to get their rights.

And Awad al-Awadi, deputy that time under the law is not enough for the covered official to complete their transactions, which requires re-consideration.

Wondered MP Abdul Khader Tahir for the number of beneficiaries of the law since its legislation so far considering the extension of the state law arranges significant financial benefits.

And Rep. high Nassif confirmed the importance of the inclusion of Rafha refugee camp law what they have suffered from tragic situations and providing the opportunity to make their transactions.