Parliament is hosting tomorrow’s oil minister to explain the agreement concluded with the region

Parliament is hosting tomorrow’s oil minister to explain the agreement concluded with the region to settle outstanding issues

11/16/2014 15:42 GMT

Parliament is hosting tomorrows oil minister to explain the agreement concluded with the region to settle outstanding issuesFollow-up – and babysit – the House of Representatives decided to host tomorrow’s oil minister, Adel Abdul Mahdi at his request; to explain the Convention, which took place with the province to resolve the outstanding issues.
The source said today that “the House of Representatives decided to host tomorrow at one pm Minutes parliamentary Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, at his request; to explain the Convention, which took place with the province to resolve the outstanding issues.”

It is said that the oil minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi said in a press statement yesterday that the application and respect of Baghdad and Erbil agreement on the budget and oil exports will ensure re-exports nearly a million barrels of oil per day to the Treasury, calling for the adoption of the profit Almottagabl policy to compensate for the loss of tens of billions of dollars “.

Said Abdul-Mahdi, “After extensive consultations within the outskirts of the federal government and between the parliamentary blocs and with the Kurdistan Regional Government, and under the guidance of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and the implementation of paragraph 17 of the government curriculum, which requires {resolving the outstanding differences between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government in my general budget and export Alinvt..alkh} what necessitated the reciprocal obligations. The agreement with the brothers in the provincial government to start by first steps to rebuild confidence and resolve differences in a comprehensive, just and constitutional, after the crisis escalates and formed a rift threatens not economic, security and political interests, but also threatens national unity as well. ”
