Parliament gives confidence to the ministers of interior, defense and vote on the deal the same way with Trump’s decision

Parliament gives confidence to the ministers of interior, defense and vote on the deal the same way with Trump’s decision [Extended]

30/1/2017 15:31

Parliament gives confidence to the ministers of interior - defense and vote on the deal the same way with Trumps decision[Oan- Baghdad]
House of Representatives voted in its meeting on Monday , which was held under the chairmanship of Salim al – President of the Council and in the presence of 223 deputies on Sunday, to give confidence to the interior ministers of defense after the submission by the Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi during the meeting with the voice of a parliamentary decision in response to the President ‘s decision US ban on the entry of Iraqi citizens to the United States and finished reading the bills.
At the outset of the meeting President al – Jubouri announced that the Presidency of the Council will set a time limit for the work of the interim committees to end the files entrusted to it.
And it decided the presidency to postpone the vote on the draft National Commission for Informatics and submitted by the committees of services and reconstruction , higher education and scientific research, security, defense, culture and media law at the request of a number of specialized committees, calling for parliamentary committees to speed up the completion of projects and proposals for laws to be presented to the agenda.
And on the question of oral directed to the president of the board of integrity by MP Hanan al The head of the House of Representatives receive a formal response from the head of the Integrity Commission includes apologized for attending the deadline requested an appointment least with attach it by answering a written question directed to him, pointing out that the presidency of the Council for Would you mind to determine another date very soon.
For its part , stressed the MP Hanan al on the importance of the commitment of the heads of independent bodies Bmkhatabat legislature being subservient to her and its supervisory role.
In another matter , the Council ended the reading and discussion of the draft law of the Iraqi body was the adoption of the report of the Committee on the economy and investment.
In the interventions of Representatives MP Saleh al- Hasnawi he called for the unification of the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control and Certification Authority into one body.
She said the presence of the MP Birwan Khilani device for Standardization and Quality Control and the formation of the accreditation body will lead to overlapping of tasks and business.
In its reply to the interventions of the Committee on confirmed that the accreditation body Atakhts job banks, but rather depends on the issue of the high quality of products and industries and materials from abroad and processed internally, indicating that the body will be given a certificate of products and industries , and will be supported in abroad.
The Board did read the report and discuss a proposed health professionals and law submitted by committees of civil society, health and environment institutions.
In the interventions of Representatives on the proposed law, MP Mahmoud al – Hassan said the court of first instance court and the subject of Ataatalq administrative issues as contained in the bill.
The Council discussed the US president Donald Trump ‘s decision to ban Iraqi citizens from entering US soil after a council vote on the subject matter on the agenda of the meeting.
This was followed by MP Abbas al – Bayati , a member of the Foreign Relations Committee statement on the position of the US decision confirmed the aspiration of Iraq to represent the best and represent the Convention on the strategic framework between Iraq and the United States and serves the mutual interests and expressing surprise at the decision Trump Iraqis inclusion within the prohibited entry of its members to the United States states , referring to the presence of serious concern for the Iraqi people who stood against terrorism and defeated the evil of defeat , but the US president is incompatible with the principles of international laws and the principles of human rights and accuse an entire people without discrimination and conflict with Iraq heroic attitude in dealing with terrorism being a theater of confrontation Daesh terrorist and response.
She Foreign Relations Committee that the list devoid of countries contributed to inciting through fatwas and money to support terrorism, calling on the State Department to examine all options to save the rights of Iraqis and reciprocity in order to undo the decision and demand from the Iraqi embassy to move the decision – making circles and confirmation that the decision will affect the growing ties between the two countries and put pressure on the United States and the White House to back down from this decision.
For his part , MP Mohammad Tamim applicant debate that the official position is still below the required level did not appear to him the position of the US President ‘s decision , especially that relations with the United States is governed by the strategic framework agreement, calling for reciprocity and review procedures for the entry of US citizens of Iraq.
In the interventions MP Mahmoud Hassan called for adherence to Iraq immediately to the principle of reciprocity after the US decision, noting that Jawe to the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations between the states allow reciprocity.
And the MP Hamid vegetation that the United States knowing full well who was behind Daesh It is created by and was the first world countries to stand with Iraq instead of the United States would take such a stance, calling on the House of Representatives and the Presidency of the Republic and the prime minister to take the position of the decision of the US president.
He MP Ahmad al – Jarba to be more worthwhile to find a solution to enter some of the Iraqi citizens to Baghdad after they were stopped by the security forces.
I suggested the MP Hanan al listen to the opinion of the government and its position concerning the decision of the US administration and the lack of silence on US decisions concerning Iraq.
And the MP Ahmed electrodes that the decision to prevent the Iraqis from entering the United States is contrary to the Convention on the strategic framework that Iraq is a strong partner of the United States in fighting terrorism.
Turn MP Yasser Mohammed felt that the decision carries a security and not a political dimension, calling for the closure of the Iraqi embassy in Washington and the US embassy in Baghdad.
He explained that the MP Abdullah Hoshyar silence on this decision will have repercussions and subsequent steps to the biggest damage has been caused to the interests of Iraq.
He called on the Attorney Joseph Salioh to reject the resolution as calling for racial discrimination and discrimination between Christians and Muslims in the Middle East and is a blow to the agreements between the two countries and will lead to offload the Middle East of Christians.
The MP Ali Shukri to be for the House of Representatives and a serious stand and cut the road in front of the decisions that threaten Iraq ‘s future.
It demanded Rep . Hamdiya Husseini take unified and decisive positions and make decisions by finding substitutes for US goods imported to Iraq and examine the feasibility of a strategic agreement with the United States.
And MP Kazem Shammari said the wrong policies in Iraq led to such decisions and the government is required to abide by the Convention on the strategic framework and the principle of dealing ideals.
For his part , MP Ali Keywords timeframe to put the fact that the US decision was taken based on old data and information against Iraq and otherwise turn Iraq into action.
She MP Vian Dakhil that the performance of the political class and their division led to the inclusion of Iraq within the countries that have been banned its nationals from entering the United States.
And it confirmed the high MP Nassif importance of action by the House of Representatives to include the removal decades States Ivav companies and business dealings and to stop the entry of US citizens to Iraq attributes.
And the MP Kanna that the decision of the US president was a shock to Iraqis and the world and sparked widespread anger noting that a retreat from the decision contained, urging the House to address the US House of Representatives on the abolition of the decision or to remove Iraq from it.
For his part, Torhan Mufti representative of the Council of Ministers that the Iraqi government is keen on the sovereignty of Iraq and the higher interest and deal with the States in accordance with diplomatic norms, adding that the State Department asked for the presence of the US ambassador to meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs for the question on the issue of banning the entry of Iraqis into the United States.
In its reply to the interventions of the Foreign Relations Committee , he expressed hope that the US administration could be heard the voice of the people represented by the House of Representatives, especially the principle of reciprocity and to address the US Congress which proposals Thoudy the backing of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Then the Council voted on the recommendations of the Foreign Relations Committee concerning the decision of the US President to ban the entry of Iraqi citizens to the United States and includes reciprocity with the US decision to policy in the event the American side did not back down from his decision to preserve the prestige of the Iraqi state and the dignity of its citizens with the address the US Congress and ask him to pressure the administration US to reconsider its decision against the Iraq and demanding the United nations , international organizations and the League of Arab States and the Organization of Islamic cooperation to take a firm attitude towards the resolution and to stress that the decision is contrary to the international refugee conventions and the granting of visas and relations , and the lack of response , and to insist on this unjust decision will push Iraq to take the policies and decisions of suit Remember with the interests of its consequences.
The council also voted to build a parliamentary request the formation of a parliamentary committee on the Khawr Abd Allah on the left to the presidency of the Council members to determine later.
Council hosted Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi to provide the names of ministers to complete the ministerial cabin.
At the outset of hosting President al – Jubouri , welcomed the presence of the Prime Minister to submit the names of candidates for the vacant ministries.
And after the council voted to reject a parliamentary request submitted by secret ballot on the names of candidates to fill the vacant Cabinet ministries.
Abadi said that the names of candidates for the vacant ministries were not based on the affiliation of the blocks, but on the basis of the data provided.
The Council voted on Qassim Mohammed al – Araji , as interior minister and General Irfan Hayali as defense minister after he resigned from the military office , which occupied and did not get the approval of the filled Inam al – Obeidi , the Ministry of Commerce and Yusuf Ali al – Asadi of the Ministry of Industry.
Then he led ministers of interior and defense in front of the House of Representatives was sworn in to take over their jobs.
The Chairman of the Council of Ministers thanked the House of Representatives vote on the approval of the minister of interior and defense.
House Speaker also congratulated the ministers of interior and defense to their assumption officio members now hold sway after the Council ‘s trust.
Then decide to adjourn the meeting until Tuesday of next week.