Parliament ends discussion of the law of the Federal Court and vote on the last {expanded}
Parliament ends discussion of the law of the Federal Court and vote on the last {expanded}
2019/6/30 17:26
(Baghdad: Al Furat News) The House of Representatives voted in its 29th session held under the chairmanship of Mohammed Al Halbusi, the President of the Council, on Sunday, in the presence of 228 deputies on one law and ends discussion of the Federal Supreme Court law and read two laws.
According to a statement of the media department, received {Euphrates News} a copy of it, that at the beginning of the meeting, announced Halabousi close to the arrival of a legal clarification by the Prime Minister on the vote on special grades, noting that the House of Representatives to vote freely or not at the next meeting , Explaining that the Prime Minister is continuing to nominate personalities on the basis of competence, integrity and professionalism in accordance with achieving national balance and away from party and sectarian quotas.
The Council voted on the draft law on the ratification of the Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Evasion with regard to the income and capital tax between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Government of the United Arab Emirates, submitted by the Committees of Foreign Relations, Finance and Integrity with a view to developing and strengthening the mutual economic relations between the two countries.
After that, the Security and Defense Committee presented a report on the security permits which dealt with the hosting of the Director General of the National Office for Security Permits for the purpose of developing solutions and ending the suffering of the people of the liberated governorates, as well as offering many recommendations and mechanisms to facilitate the issuance of permits and rules under which the Center works and the need for financial and technical support to enable it to perform its duties .
In turn, Al-Halbusi confirmed the intention of the Presidency of the Council to direct a letter to the concerned parties, including the adoption of a single security statement can be any body to verify the validity of its issuance and punish anyone who misbehaves on the issuance of security permits.
In another matter, the Council ended the first reading of the first amendment to the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq No. 1 of 2019 submitted by the Finance Committee in order to allow sufficient time for the government to select competent and professional people to occupy senior leadership positions administered by proxy and in accordance with the timing specified in the government program headquarters By the House of Representatives when the formation of the current government.
The Council completed the discussion of the draft Federal High Court Act submitted by the Legal Committee.
The interventions included the importance of speeding up the vote on the Federal Court’s law for its role in resolving differences and nominating Sharia experts by the Shiite and Sunni Waqfs, with the university presidents granting the powers to nominate constitutional scholars, in addition to making the course of the court by an absolute majority and reducing the number of scholars from 4 to 2, , With the representatives of the components to make the role of jurists an advisory.
Halabousi directed the legal committee to take the proposals submitted by the deputies during the discussions that took place over three sessions in consideration of the draft law of the Federal Court.
The Presidency of the Council decided at the request of the Government representative to postpone the first reading of the draft law on the first amendment to the law of Royal Court of Law No. 13 of 2010 submitted by the Labor, Social Affairs, Immigration, Displaced Persons, Legal, Human Rights and Finance Committees.
The Council first read the proposed law on the protection of persons from enforced disappearance submitted by the Commission on Human Rights.
The Council postponed the first reading of the draft law on the discharge of land and orchards within the basic design of the city of Baghdad and municipalities submitted by the committees of agriculture, water, marshes, legal and services and reconstruction and the report and discussion of the draft law of communications and informatics submitted by the committees of services and reconstruction and culture and information and tourism and relics.
The Presidency of the Council decided to present a report and discuss the draft law of the first amendment to the Law of the Ministry of Education No. 22 of 2011 and submitted by the committees of education and finance in the next session to take a decision on whether to proceed with legislation or not.
Then it was decided to adjourn the meeting until next Tuesday, 2/7/2019