Paris Conference .. unlimited support for Iraq

Paris Conference .. unlimited support for Iraq

22/10/2016 0:00

Paris Conference - unlimited support for IraqThe participants emphasized that the battle of Mosul against terrorism {crucial}
BAGHDAD / morning
got Iraq in the Paris international conference on support for the reconstruction of the city of Mosul after its liberation, at the time revealed the France for accompanying operations to battle the «coming, Nineveh» by targeting terrorists in the Syrian tenderness City . edit Mosul minimal losses have been Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi announced that security forces engaged the battle of liberation of Mosul , advancing towards the city better than the schedule prepared her way. Ebadi said in a televised speech in Paris yesterday the first Conference Thursday that « the security forces are working to liberate Mosul less losses », referring to« develop an integrated plan to aid the displaced people of Mosul ». he added that« the participating forces battle of Mosul moving towards its goals in a better way and faster than the schedule prepared for her in the operating room », pointing out that« the goal of the security forces is the stability of Mosul and the return of displaced persons » . as the «battle of Mosul is Iraq ‘s battle Iraqi soldiers», indicating that «foreign troops stationed on the ground, but rather a non – combat support for Iraqi forces». He added that « the government is working together with the local government in Nineveh to provide services and humanitarian effort for the people of the province», referring to «directed the security forces to open safe corridors for civilians in all the fighting axes». Prime Minister praised the coherence of the Iraqi people all away from affiliations, stressing that the people of the occupied territories by the «Daesh» support the security forces to free them the opposite of what they harbor in the past, pointing out that «liberated provinces Kslah Din, Diyala, Anbar has seen the return of most of the displaced to it». decisive battle in turn, French President Francois Hollande said that the battle edit city of Mosul «decisive». Holland said in a speech during the conference: the «civilians inside the city they live in difficult conditions». he added that «there must be a political organization and the administrator of the city after its liberation from« Daesh », adding» will do our best to re the life of the conductor after its liberation. » the French president emphasized , saying:« We must not allow the elements of the organization «Daesh» escape from Mosul to the Syrian tenderness city », indicating that« the organization «Daesh» back down in Iraq and Syria ». in the meantime, Foreign Minister Ibrahim Jaafari, the determination of the Iraqi armed forces to liberate Mosul. Jaafari said during a news conference with his French counterpart Jean – marc Errol after the Paris meeting: «Do not worry of the popular crowd and offers his children victims for the liberation of Mosul , and they went to defend her honor, and must be of the media that take into account these truth ». and on the developments in the battle of Mosul, the foreign minister stressed« the continuing progress of security forces and » the results were positive in higher cooperation between the armed forces», pointing out that « the war against« Daesh »is a global war». announced Jaafari «for Iraq aid international financial reconstruction and stability of the city of Mosul after «Daesh», adding that « the meeting stressed the need to support Iraq , not only militarily, but also for reconstruction and stability and rebuild the city to encourage the displaced to return and provide new aid for Iraq this aspect». he Jaafari that «terrorism has no limits, but targets all countries of the world, France was one of his victims , which does not distinguish between religions and not in front of us , but international cooperation to stand side by side in the fight against «Daesh». for his part, French Foreign Minister: the «said the battle of Mosul , decisive, and must ensure that terrorists they will not be part of civilians fleeing Mosul, and must fight «Daesh» in the field also financed ». he Errol that« perhaps a million people try to flee Mosul and must take them and to treat them in a good way and to provide all kinds of assistance and to prepare for them and distinguish terrorists from them ». he added that« France has played a major role in the international coalition led by Washington in the war on the organization «Daesh» in Iraq and Syria », indicating that« the battle of Mosul , they should start long before, when he was «Daesh» culminates in control of the territory, of in order to resolve the battle against him and non – proliferation ». but he stressed that« the battle of Mosul crucial, because it hit the organization in his heart, in addition to launching a similar attack on the city of Syrian tenderness which is the stronghold of the other regulated », adding that« the Paris meeting resulted in an agreement to do process in Raqqa after the liberation of Mosul in order to completely eliminate elements of the organization ». on a related matter , Foreign Minister with his Belgian counterpart Didier Raanders in Brussels,« bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to improve the service of the two friendly countries and regional and international issues of common interest ». Jaafari said in a press statement after the meeting: the «battle of Mosul topped the talks was the Belgian side Mtvhma went to Iraq to liberate areas where gangs exacted« Daesh »terrorist. We affirmed the determination of the Iraqi armed forces to liberate Mosul and the participation of all the armed forces under the cover of the Iraqi army. »