Other: The Al-Kazemi government’s passing session Tuesday without three ministries

Other: The Al-Kazemi government’s passing session Tuesday without three ministries

4/30/2020 16:14

Other - The Al-Kazemi governments passing session Tuesday without three ministries[Baghdad-Ain]
The Alliance of Saireon announced, on Thursday, that the Tuesday of next week will be fixed as a date for the parliament session to pass the government of Al-Kazemi, noting that all ministries have been decided, except for three ministries.
“The political blocs almost ended the agreement on the ministerial portfolios with the candidate, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and the two candidates were settled,” said MP Saeron Badr al-Ziyadi.

He added, “The House of Representatives will determine Tuesday’s session next week to vote on the government of candidate Mustafa Al-Kazemi,” noting that “Wednesday is the alternative if Tuesday is not specified.”

Al-Ziyadi stated that “the remaining three ministries have not been decided and the cab will be presented without them in the event that they are not agreed upon in the coming hours,” noting that “the three ministries are the interior, defense and finance.”
