Orientations to expand modern technology in banking

downplayed banking expert and executive director of the Association of private banks in Iraq Abdul Aziz Hassoun importance of the international reports which ranked Iraq (Palmtakhr) in the use of modern technology in banking, noting that Iraq is the third country among the Arab countries which uses system rtgs In its dealings banking (which is an electronic system developed at the speed of completion of transactions worldwide), as well as initiating nearly three years using the card technology to smart payment of many segments of society, especially pensioners and covered the social protection system, as Iraq seeks to modernize its system banking and empowerment to keep abreast of global developments achieved in the field of banking, said Chief Executive Officer Global card so smart concluded an agreement with MasterCard Worldwide, The agreement, according to Executive Director granting those cards for many people, especially businessmen and investors, who will be able whereby the push and pull funds inside and outside Iraq. said Goldfinch in a statement singled out the morning that the private banking sector had made considerable progress in bringing this technology, building on the support and cooperation and participation of the Central Bank, as well as expanding use between banks, is that Hassoun acknowledged some of the challenges faced by this system, especially in relation to delay its adoption by the public sector banks. called government banks need to adopt this banking system developed in order to enhance banking services and commensurate with the aspirations of the bankers and the public to have access to banking products and fast. Goldfinch touched as well as to the advantages of this system in the area of transition from trading manual currency paper, which caused overwhelm large process banking, and as dull, both in money counting and disposal of cases of fraud and navigate them and speed the completion of business transactions and for customer his money and traded with ease. pointed Goldfinch to other techniques that took accommodate especially the adoption of plastic cards in Banking, referring to what has been achieved card so smart facilities for retirees and the categories covered by the other, which eased the burden on the holders of these cards in reviews and routine ugly and shortage problems amounts of counterfeit as well as deadlines for the receipt and Ansiabath, and mitigation for banks to provide products original. was director of the Association of private banks Abdul Aziz Hassoun called earlier to the need for the enactment of a new banking regulating the work of private banks in Iraq. said Hassoun: The Banking Act of the current Iraqi no longer meets the need of banks, was noted as well as through the application and a part of the paragraphs need to amendments or additions, which led to the reluctance of some private banks in their work. He said Hassoun that there are negotiations underway between private banks and global participation, likely that the coming period would witness the announcement of the partnership international banks with Iraqi banks with their own money and to perform its duties banking. Iraq is seeking to develop its system banking and enable them to provide better services to investors and depositors alike, and comes so According to many economists across cope with the language of international banks or banks of neighboring countries at the very least, and while he believes the banking Abdul Hussein Mundhiri inability to resolving all the problems of the banks in time perspective to the size of the intercepted from obstacles and delays Technology, director of government banks in the Ministry of Dr. Hilal Taan financial capital increase banks incarcerated workers in specialized courses and the use of credit cards and electronic smart all factors capable of developing the performance of Iraqi banks in general. Said Taan during an interview earlier (morning): There are many ways in which a quantum leap in the performance of the banking system in Iraq, and could stand in the forefront of those measures is twinned both bankers and public sectors, stressing that these twinning will result in a remarkable development can that hurt the final outcome welfare support the national economy in general, and see Taan that the introduction of modern mechanization and the use of systems Visa card, develop and expand the work of the card (so) smart factors lead in the result to a significant evolution in the banking business and elevate it to the ranks of banks advanced globally, stressing the importance of The hurling workers in the banking sector in specialized courses advanced inside and outside Iraq to get to know another as high banking system made, stressing at the same time that the capital increase banks is an important factor in reviving the banking business and a sponsor to provide the best kinds of services to investors and depositors alike. Meanwhile, a CEO of the company Global Card (Ki) Smart Baha Hussain said the company has expanded greatly in the field of contracting with most of the country’s ministries to take advantage of the many services offered by the card, especially when it offers 250 different services can be activated in accordance with the requirements of any ministry Ahoshrkh, announcing the signing of the company Several agreements to benefit from the services of the smart card in many areas. revealed Abdul Hussein signed a contract with the company (MasterCard) World empowered whereby the company World card so smart validity issued to the beneficiaries, and thus opened up services in their dealings after it was used only at the local level , explaining that future periods will enable the cardholder to use in most countries of the world and he can withdraw money, shopping, import and export through this service advanced. hinted Abdul Hussein that the challenges faced by the Company arising from the failure of some workers in departments that deal with the company, either of the lack of technical capacity to interact with the company’s performance, and this is the opinion of the Executive Director can be solved by organizing intensive courses for training to work with them, or to oppose this important project in development banking with the interests of some who do not like this method of modern banking, especially when it ruled on the corruption and undermined, stressing that in the second case would be difficult solution frequently. and confirmed that the company continues to provide services to most of the ministries and cooperation unique by it despite these drawbacks and challenges that are trying to keep the country late in the use of modern technology. was away Abdul Hussein much opinion Executive Director of the Association of private banks when He stressed that international reports for evaluating the role of Iraq in the use of advanced systems is fair, and unfair and that the justification for this assessment are the ones who are standing obstacle to the implementation of projects of modern technological in various fields. expressed by many economists, emphasizing the importance of the experience card so smart in Iraqi banks, to افتين that it managed to resolving many of the problems which were encountered retirees or covered the social protection system, to افتين that the eradication of corruption and alleviate the suffering holders prominent pros provided by the card, as well as its importance in minimizing the chances of trading amounts of counterfeit and encourage beneficiaries to save the financial and undermine the principle of an extravagant purchase.