Orient: the Kurdish region completed the design of its currency and the year talking about the riches enough to establish their own territory
Orient: the Kurdish region completed the design of its currency and the year talking about the riches enough to establish their own territory
7/5/2014 2:35 a.m.
Orbit – Newspaper Orient / with the announcement by the President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, his intention to organize a referendum on independence for the Kurdish region from Iraq, leaked Ministry of Finance Kurdish forms of paper currency, which the ministry said that the government of the region have completed the design is ready for trading at any moment. revealed financial source in the Kurdish region The Kurdistan Regional Government has completed the design of its currency, the new, which may be one of the features of the Declaration of Independence of the region and the establishment of a Kurdish state, which is seeking its regional president Massoud Barzani. source said that the Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan region and the Bank of Kurdistan central they had finished the design of the currency region new, has raised soon Declaration of a Kurdish state, which is seeking the presidency of the region of residence. added that the new currency carrying on her back a picture of Kurdish leader Mullah Mustafa Barzani, noting that this is the first features of the Declaration of a Kurdish state. the other hand, called on the governor of Nineveh Ethel Nujaifi to the formation of the territory of the year, considering that the project has become a need urgent and can not be for the year after the day to stay within the contexts of the previous. said in a statement that the project region has become an urgent need and can not be for the year after the day to stay within the contexts of the previous Whether it before restoring the lands of Daash or beyond. explained that he no longer have any confidence in the army, which fled and left the city administration and citizens alone, as Anfdan all bad practices that were carried out, and in return is no longer any point of Sunni influential does not believe that the region and the opportunity to manage the year for their areas are the only chance remaining. stressed that the major shift in the collective mind of the Sunni them before the project real political can meet him the main forces affecting their midst, but that this project must be linked to the formation of the power of internal protection and secure sources of funding for the project. Najafi said that the Sunni areas rich in resources are not invested, in Nineveh province alone, 15 oil fields exploring not untapped and 40 geological complexes awaiting exploration, and in Anbar fields gas giant, in addition to water resources and existing agricultural. Turning to the ‘need to meet the fundamental forces in the Pacific Sunni and determine the shape of the region and its objectives and the type of power it and the extent of his commitment to civil rights and what is his position on terrorism because the world still influenced by anti-propaganda depicting the year as if they were an incubator for terrorism, it must have to give a reassuring image to the international community to ensure support for this project. ‘