Only In Iraq..A Corrupt Minister Returns To Be President

Only In Iraq..A Corrupt Minister Returns To Be President

01/27/2022 | 2:42 PM

Only In Iraq..A Corrupt Minister Returns To Be PresidentAktham Al-Baghdadi..

It is said that a corrupt minister who was sacked by the people’s representatives, convicted, instead of being held accountable and tried, is back as a candidate for the presidency!! Hoshyar Zebari, the minister who held the position of foreign minister for two terms in the first and second al-Maliki governments, and then as finance minister in the government of Haider al-Abadi, which witnessed the end of his government work after an interrogation that ousted him in 2016 on charges of corruption, personal use and monopoly of the position. To the scene again as President of the Republic.

The story of the interrogation began in the summer of 2016, when Parliament embarked on a series of interrogations of a number of Abadi’s ministers, Zebari was among them. Representative Haitham al-Jubouri submitted a list supported by evidence and documents condemning Minister Zebari, so that the Council set August 25, 2016 as the date for the interrogation session.

The interrogation was based on three files:

1- He spent about two billion dinars (one million and 800 dollars) travel cards for his protection elements who live in Erbil.

2- He spent about 900 million dinars (800 thousand dollars) to restore his house in the fortified Green Zone.

3- Spending a huge amount to rent a house for his personal secretary, as well as large loans outside the legal contexts of a number of merchants.

The interrogation session began with 12 questions from the questioned deputy, documented by evidence, as they focused on corruption files in the Ministry of Finance, and the minister’s response was timid and evasive.

Embarrassment was evident on his features despite the attempts of the Democratic Party deputies to which Zebari belongs to create chaos and commotion to influence the course of the session, which amounted to fistfights and verbal altercations, but the session continued and Zebari was unable to give convincing answers to the deputies. Things that were vague.

The interrogation session ended on a date set by Parliament for another session in which the deputies will vote whether or not they are satisfied with Zebari’s answers. Less than a month after the interrogation session, the Iraqi parliament set a special session on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 to decide on the dismissal or renewal of confidence from Zebari, against the background of accusations of financial corruption. .

The session was held despite being preceded by a round of bargaining and attempts by the Democratic Party to save their minister. Did the attempts succeed for you?

The answer, dear reader, in this news that was broadcast in the media on the day of the session, “The House of Representatives voted by secret ballot to withdraw confidence from Zebari, which resulted in 158 deputies voting in approval for the minister’s dismissal, while 77 deputies voted against, and 14 deputies reserved the vote. “.

After that session, Zebari became a minister, an article from the Al-Abadi government and his corruption files before the judiciary, who also demanded him through the public prosecution with a dangerous file raised in the interrogation in addition to the files above and the file I conveyed to you as reported by the French Press Agency.

The Iraqi Public Prosecution demanded the Minister of Finance, Hoshyar Zebari, to reveal the identity of the person who managed to smuggle 6.5 billion dollars.

Judge Abdul-Sattar Bayrakdar, a spokesman for the judiciary, said that “the Public Prosecution officially requests” the Minister of Finance “to clarify his statements regarding the name of the person who mentioned in one of the local media that he transferred” 6.5 billion and a half billion dollars to his “personal account to take legal measures.” his right.”

Even today, the files of Hoshyar Zebari are still there, despite not being held accountable, and he may try to evade that by nominating him for the presidency of the republic. Will he who has been convicted of wasting public money entrusted with the highest authority that is supposed to observe the constitution and ensure its protection?!

This is the tip of the iceberg of the accusations that are chasing Zebari, and in other articles we will review the evidence of the corruption of the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s candidate for the presidency.