On charges of corruption … Vice-President “Ahmadinejad” 15 years

On charges of corruption … Vice-President “Ahmadinejad” 15 years

Thursday, 21 December 2017 at 14:36 ​​PM

On charges of corruption ... Vice-President Ahmadinejad 15 yearsFollow-up / Sky Press:

Former Iranian Vice President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has announced that his country’s judiciary has sentenced him to 15 years in prison for corruption.

Begai, who was released before the court, published the report on the Intergram website on Wednesday and expressed his intention to appeal.

The judiciary was later prosecuted for embezzlement of funds and illegal use of public exchanges.

And last Tuesday, the agency “Mizan” of the judicial authorities, the ruling was issued by the former Vice-President and was informed.

The 48-year-old was deputy to President Nejad, who took office between 2005 and 2013 and is closely linked.

In 2015, he was imprisoned for seven months for reasons that did not go public, and during his tenure he was interrogated on charges of wrongdoing.

For weeks, Ahmadinejad has been critical of the judicial authorities, refusing to pursue my case.

The Guardian Council banned the two men from running for president in May.
