Oil Minister: Baiji refinery needs huge amounts of money for reconstruction

Oil Minister: Baiji refinery needs huge amounts of money for reconstruction

Posted 01/11/2015 09:35 AM

Oil Minister - Baiji refinery needs huge amounts of money for reconstructionOil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi need Baiji refinery to the huge amounts of money and great for reconstruction and rehabilitation, noting that the oil sector exposed to a great loss, as the Baiji refinery alone Khosairth equivalent to half of Iraq’s derivatives, in addition to the refineries Sharqat, modern and Tal Afar, in addition to oil pipelines exposed to large sabotage. Said Abdul-Mahdi, told a news conference in Dhi Qar province, after the fourth coordination meeting with the provinces to discuss the powers of the wealth management of oil, “The oil sector suffered a great loss, and we have no precise count as must the experts and technicians up to vandalism to estimate the cost sites, but they certainly need reconstruction and rehabilitation of the huge amounts of money and a big operation, we must get to the case to estimate these losses. ” He stressed Abdul-Mahdi, that “it controlled in other regions and the oil sector rise and production is now southern ports just any companies in the center and south closer to 3.8 million barrels per day, and this number giant parallels historical rates when oil was in the seventies rapidly progressing steadily.” He pointed out that “oil exports now southern ports only (except issued to the Turkish port of Ceyhan) has been since June rates of 3 million barrels, and these numbers are very standard and very much hope the progress by, in addition to progress in the gas, refineries, derivatives and distribution, despite the financial and health crisis and the loss of Baiji But do not get basic derivatives crisis. ” On the Dhi Qar Oil Company, Abdul-Mahdi said “soon Senbhr people of Dhi Qar company Dhi Qar oil, things are seriously moving and the Ministry agreed to this topic and submitted it to the Council of Ministers,” explaining that “the establishment of a public company belonging to the state requires the approval of the Cabinet, and there were Some obstacles have been resolved and all the human will be very close. ” He disclosed that the “high-level delegation from the region will come these days to arrange the deal,” and expressed hope that “puts the agreement in the budget of 2016 is more accurate than the mechanisms established by the 2015 budget agreement mechanisms.”
