Oil companies and banks seeking political fronts to bring down Maliki to dominate the state and the wealth
Date: Monday 14/5/2012 9:55
Baghdad (news) .. revealed a close associate of Prime Minister MP / National Alliance / Kamal-Saadi, the possession of his coalition information unconfirmed reports that there are actively pursued to bring down Maliki and the hegemony of the state.
Saadi told (of the Agency news) said on Monday: There are private companies and contractors and owners of banks and the owners of oil companies are interfaces political want to dominate the state and sold Iraq to the parties to the unknown and unknown, refusing Saadi stop these political actors. He Saadi to: the struggle is not a struggle for the dictatorship, as some say, but the conflict is centered that al-Maliki and the rule of law standing generally these totals (according to him) that you want to control the Altherwat, where one of those actors you want to control the oil wealth alone, and the other has oil wells, not oil companies struggle to wealth is owned by. and threatened to Saadi: to reveal the work of those political actors who refuse to Saadi stop them, and said: “We know their motives, and we know their agreements as the special and we know privately and this, unfortunately, the whole outside of the documents they are not stupid to submit papers to the Iraqi people until Tfdham but as information we are sure of it.” and see the relationship between the coalition president of Iraq led by Iyad Allawi and the rule of law led by Nuri al-Maliki, tension is exacerbated with the passage of time in light of the survival of the points of difference between them stuck without a solution, including the selection of candidates for the positions of security in the government, and the formation of strategic policies Supreme blocs agreed to its establishment at a meeting of Arbil was not approved its law so far, as well as about attitudes towards a number of regional countries, notably Iran and Syria. / Finished / 3. n. r /