Oil: April exports average 3.7 million barrels imports 4.8 billion dollars [expanded]

Oil: April exports average 3.7 million barrels imports 4.8 billion dollars [expanded]

5.1.2015 14:30

Iraqi oil exports[Baghdad-where]
the Ministry of Oil that “preliminary statistical exports for the month of April, said the rate stood at 3.7 million barrels, the highest since the eighties of the last century.”
He said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that “April exports experienced the highest rate in the quantities exported since the eighties and exports totaled approximately 92.3 million barrels and Erdat achieved them amounted to approximately $ 4.8 billion “.
He said the “price per barrel rate of $ 51.7,” adding that “the rate of exports amounted to 3.77 million barrels and exports southern fields were 78.8 million barrels of either from the northern fields stood at 13.5″.
The Oil Ministry announced In the first of April from a record high for exports Iraq in statistical preliminary for the month of March, reaching 92.4 million barrels Baardat realized it amounted to more than $ 4.4 billion on the average selling price of $ 48 and 244 cents per barrel.
According to statistic conducted by the agency all of Iraq [where] in 23 of last April based on official data from the Ministry of Oil Federal that Iraq’s imports of crude oil exports -abbar [SOMO] Aloutnah- in the first quarter of the year 2015 did not exceed $ 11 billion.
According to this new preliminary statistical Oil Ministry, the imports quarter the first of the year 2015 amounting to 15 billion and $ 937 million the total exports of 327 million and 100 thousand barrels.
It was Iraq’s total exports for the first three months of 2015, according to the ministry also 243 million and 700 000 barrels unrealized revenue of $ 11 billion and 137 million Dolar.anthy
