Oil and gas law between a consensus Constitution and Parliament to adopt
Oil and gas law between a consensus Constitution and Parliament to adopt
Baghdad (allakhbaret)./Report/Beth/continuous controversy among political blocs since the first parliamentary session on oil and gas law is close to a solution as House members, particularly after Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s visit to Erbil and agreement with the territorial Government to pass a law in accordance with the constitutional framework.
MP says/the State of law Coalition/Hassan Al-yasiri (News Agency): the oil and gas Act file cannot be resolved in accordance with the rules of procedure of the House that this is one of the crucial issues concerning the Iraqi people need a political consensus. He added: these differences after Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to Kurdistan and specifically to Erbil will hopefully be unblock to come up with an agreement the two parties can benefit from the oil and gas law.
Either the Kurdistan Alliance, for his part, by his Deputy Sheriff Solomon said in an interview (News Agency): to abide by the Constitution in the oil and gas law is the only way to be successful and consistent inclusion of Deputies, adding that the work within the Constitution to approve oil and gas law would enable everyone that there is no obsession on national wealth and not have but one without the other.
Solomon said: that the drafts do not have controversy and that maintain harmony and maintain the Constitution will acknowledge within paragraphs of the oil and gas law, which will be in agreement with all the political blocs.
But it seems that the Iraqi list tsbad the Bill during the current session of Parliament that optimism seems to pass the oil and gas law did not include all political blocs since the Iraqi list I thought by some deputies that the Senate does not pass a law but that he would be deported to the next parliamentary session due to inability to tendig laws.
The Deputy says Iraqi Al-jumaili unit (News Agency) that any new law do not believe that it will pass in the first legislative term during the fourth legislative year, stating that any law including the oil and gas law needs a political consensus between all the political blocs and not only between the National Alliance and the Kurdistan Alliance
Al-jumaili said that the current session of Parliament is able to and not eligible to tendig laws that reflect the will of the Iraqi voter, or give it a hope that there is positive things can improve the bitter reality.
It was agreed that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government nechirvan Barzani’s first visit to the territory by the need to work for the adoption of laws and legislation that will have an impact in resolving outstanding problems such as oil and gas law.
The United Nations criticized the end of the year 2012 in Iraq delayed oil and gas law while demanding political parties to pass this Bill as soon as possible,
The Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies decided (13 September 2012) forming a small Committee to study controversial points on the oil and gas law and the drafting of the new law, while Parliament Speaker Osama Al-nujaifi said that the Government is serious about the law through the merger of the two bill drafts (2007) and (2011) the first Deputy Speaker of Parliament Qusay Al-Suhail, the Cabinet called for the adoption of the draft in 2011 only.
The Iraqi Government announced (August 28, 2011) on the ratification of the draft oil and gas law and decided to refer it to Parliament for ratification, while the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs Hussein Al-Shahristani at the (2) that the Government has introduced some modifications ‘ to ‘ draft oil law long overdue and reviewed by the Committee on energy.
The origin of the dispute between the Governments of Baghdad and Erbil due to oil contracts concluded by the territory that it considers illegal in Baghdad says the territory based on the Iraqi Constitution and bilateral agreements with the Federal Government and triggered a serious crisis on oil between Baghdad and Erbil to stop Kurdistan (1 April 2012) pumping oil until further notice due to disagreements with Baghdad on financial receivables to operating oil companies