Official in Talabani’s party: the entry of our troops into the North Oil Alarm message to Baghdad

Official in Talabani’s party: the entry of our troops into the North Oil Alarm message to Baghdad

02/03/2017 15:14

Official in Talabanis party - the entry of our troops into the North Oil Alarm message to Baghdad[Where-up]
official confirmed the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, led by former President Jalal Talabani, Aso Mamend, that the entry of the party military force to the North Oil Company in Kirkuk, an alert message to the Iraqi government to stop trying to send Kirkuk oil to other Iraqi provinces, noting grace to Baghdad for a week.
He Mamend at a press conference today, ” The entry of a military force to the North Oil Company came to deliver a message to Baghdad that must be set up oil refinery in Kirkuk, and stop trying to send Kirkuk oil to Coleco while maintaining in dire need of oil . ” he said , adding that “this force will remain in place and will not move.”

He announced grace ” of Baghdad for a week to set up oil refinery in Kirkuk, stop the decision to send oil to other Iraqi provinces , ” and threatened to “completely control the North Oil Company in the absence of Baghdad implementation of these demands.”

” I will not accept robbed more dues Kirkuk and waste oil and looted”, refusing to “describe the process of entering into force the North Oil Company B [occupation] because we are if we want the occupation of Kirkuk , no one will be able to stop us , ” he said.
He stressed “the need to run Alkaragokyin Bmhafezthm in the oil sector and the entry of military force is the reflection of the resentment of the people of the province, saying the resumption of the process of pumping oil in Kirkuk.”
The subsidiary of the National Union military force, entered on Thursday, March 2, 2017 to the North Oil Company in Kirkuk and seized control of the pumping station ITV on, which extracted from the fields of oil exported to the Turkish port of Ceyhan via the pipelines of the Kurdistan region.