Official Gazette published the parliament’s decision to support his reforms and amend the investment law
Official Gazette published the parliament’s decision to support his reforms and amend the investment law
2016/1/14 13:42
the official Iraqi facts newspaper published a number of laws, decisions, regulations, instructions and decrees, approved by the House of Representatives and endorsed by the Presidency of the Republic.
The general director of the Iraqi facts circle Muhannad Zebra in a statement to Osalh of Justice that “the salient features of the new issue [4393] property installed in farmland excluded and orchards of acts of settlement No. 49 of the 2006 Law.”
He added Zebra also published in the newspaper “the Second Amendment Act Investment Law No. 13 of 2016
“.” The number included Resolution No. 55 of 2015 and private support of the House of Representatives and the support for the package of parliamentary reforms, in addition to a number of decisions, “pointing out that” the most important statement number of instructions, is to organize the work of the Board of Directors’ Meeting High Authority for the Hajj and Umrah No. 1 of 2015 “.anthy