Obeidi: I tried to fight corruption, but it seems that the most powerful Orbabh

Obeidi: I tried to fight corruption, but it seems that the most powerful Orbabh

8/25/2016 17:02

Obeidi - I tried to fight corruption but it seems that the most powerful Orbabh[Wayne-Baghdad]
Defense Minister Khaled al – Obeidi , the article said , “finally triumphed brought from Iraq into what came to him now, Vliedhirna people and the army, it has tried to fight corruption Balmemknat, but it seems that Orbabh stronger and their voices higher and spent their reaction.”
He said al – Obeidi in his profile on Facebook , “however , I will remain as I said a soldier from among the people of Iraq soldiers fervent seekers of the war against corruption and corrupt, thanking both voice and stood with us and understand our position and interaction with him, and the consequence for those who fear Allah.”
He said al – Obeidi , “O Iraqis you from do you assess the practical the best that God is my witness , I did not meaner him to build the army and the military establishment, accompanied by my attempts tireless efforts to fight corruption and the corrupt and prevent nepotism and clientelism that brought Iraq in 2014 to lose 40% of their land and displace millions of people and threatens the sacred Iraqi capital beloved Baghdad. ”
He concluded by saying” I welcome you in the Adhamiya and Kadhimiya, is my testimony that I am proud of them and proud of them in front of all the corrupt. ”
the House of Representatives voted on the approval of a majority of withdrawal of confidence from the defense Minister Khaled al – Obeidi.
