Obama: the strategy followed by the Russians and the Iranians in Syria will not succeed

Obama: the strategy followed by the Russians and the Iranians in Syria will not succeed


Obama - the strategy followed by the Russians and the Iranians in Syria will not succeed(Independent) … US President Barack Obama stressed that the strategy pursued by the Russians and the Iranians in Syria will not succeed, as pointed out that the only solution comes through the political process and government legitimacy comprehensive.

Quoted Sky News for Obama as saying during a news conference after meeting the President of South Korea’s Pak John Hay that “no affinity with the Russians in ideas with respect to the strategy,” adding that “Putin believes that if he continued to do what he was doing during the past five years, a support Assad’s regime, the problem will be solved. ”

He added that “Iran is simply what they were doing during the past five years, and just as Russia,” pointing out that “their theory to solve the problem in Syria did not succeed and will not succeed.”

Obama called for a “living Iranians, Russians, Turks and the Gulf countries and all parties concerned and the recognition of the need to reach a political move if we want to end the humanitarian crisis and save the state a unified structure Soeriah.” (End)
