Obama administration claim by clicking on Maliki to take measures to prevent civil war
Obama administration claim by clicking on Maliki to take measures to prevent civil war
Palm – warned American newspaper prominent, on Sunday, the administration of President Barack Obama, that the violence “escalating” in Iraq threatens to turn it into “the problem of U.S. security,” and invited them to invest “some weight,” which is still enjoyed in Baghdad to put pressure on Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, in order to take further measures “critical to prevent the country sliding back into civil war”, including dropping the charges against the leaders of the Year and to reach an agreement with the Kurds and “scalable” Shiite militias.
The Washington Post Washington Post The, in an editorial, “The optimistic statements made by the Vice-Chancellor of U.S. President Barack Obama, National Security Affairs, Denis McDonough, at the time, on the decision to withdraw troops from Iraq once, in October 2011, was premature , “noting that” McDonough, had said then, that what we aspire to is a secure and stable Iraq and is supported on the same, and this is what we got, so there is no doubt that this was a success. ”
The newspaper added, “After 21 months, the U.S. withdrawal, Iraq is suffering from the worst wave of violence since the strategy momentum of U.S. troops to stop sectarian civil war in 2007″, usually that “the United States’ ability to help are limited now because of President Obama’s decision to withdraw the entire forces U.S. out of Iraq. ”
According to the Washington Post, that “the renewed conflict in Iraq to draw attention in the past week, because of the attack exciting carried out by al-Qaeda prisons, including Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad,” indicating that “coordinated attack led to the flight of hundreds of security prisoners, including a number of senior leaders of al-Qaeda. ”
The paper, “The liberation of these prisoners will fuel more violence not only in Iraq, but even in neighboring Syria, where al-Qaida waging a war against the government of Bashar al-Assad as well as the fight against insurgent groups moderate.”
And reported the Washington Post, that “the bloodshed has escalated, were killed during the past four months, about three thousand people and wounding more than seven thousand, according to remember the United Nations,” pointing out that “most of the civilians were victims of bombings, al-Qaeda or attacks by militias Sunni and Shiite returned to activity in Baghdad and north of the country, and that the activity of each of these forces was in part due to the Syrian war, which also stimulated the year against Shiites and the Alawite sect. ”
The newspaper said the U.S. figures, that “the turmoil in Iraq are also attributed to sectarian politics and narrow semi-authoritarian pursued by the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, who later Sunni leaders in his government and sent troops to attack the camp protest Sunni”, in reference to the Square sit-in Hawija.
Saw Hawija, (55 kilometers southwest of Kirkuk), in (the 23 of April 2013), break into a security force Square sit-in, killing and wounding at least 163 of the protestors and the loss and the arrest of hundreds of others, leading to worsening violence in many of the provinces where mobility opposed to the government.
And went on the Washington Post, that “al-Maliki recently taken small steps towards calming sectarian divisions in the country, during the opening of negotiations with the Kurdistan Regional Government, and allowing to conduct provincial elections deferred in the Sunni provinces,” afterthought “However, there is still an urgent need to take more decisive measures to prevent the country sliding back into civil war. ”
The paper said, “The United States still has some heavyweights in Iraq, despite the withdrawal of U.S. forces,” indicating that “it is now time to use it.”
It went on the Washington Post, saying, “The Obama administration has offered for a very long unconditional support to the owners, and it should now be informed that the continued assistance of U.S. military, including the extradition Systems large weapons, depends on whether the government was ready to drop the charges against the leaders of the year and reach to deal with the Kurds over disputed territory and revenue sharing, “and continued to as” the White House should also be emphasized that Maliki is acting to curb Shiite Milishawih groups. ”
It concluded the Washington Post, that the “White House review of whether he can be presented to the Iraqi armed forces provide additional support in the field of intelligence, training or equipment, to meet the growing threats posed by al-Qaeda,” مستطردة if “has not been addressed to them, the powers Extreme in Iraq sooner or later will become a U.S. security problem, “he described.
A source at the Interior Ministry said in (the 21 of July present), that several mortar shells fell on Abu Ghraib prison west of Baghdad, (that evening), followed by the outbreak of clashes between the special force came to the prison after the fall of shells and gunmen attacked while approaching the building prison, also landed a number of mortar shells near Taji prison (Pisces), followed by the explosion of several explosive devices on the road leading to the prison, “noting that” unidentified gunmen attacked after elements of the protection of the prison which led to the outbreak of violent clashes between the two sides.
The Iraqi List, accused Wednesday last, (the 24 of July 2013 now), the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, a “failure” in managing the security file, and while confirming that the security forces “infiltrated by terrorism and militias”, having turned into a “sword hanging on the necks of the Iraqis, “showed that the judicial Taji and Abu Ghraib vulnerable to” collective punishment “after the escape of prisoners.
A security source early detection, last Monday (the 22 of July present), the number of inmates escaped from the Abu Ghraib prison after the attack, it amounted to more than 600 runaway, the source expected rise in armed attacks during the next term because the fugitives “of the most dangerous terrorists”, he drew that a large number of the victims were killed from both sides.
The Ministry of Justice announced last Monday, too, that the outcome of the victims of the attacks on the prisons Taji and Abu Ghraib, amounted to 68 dead and wounded, but pointed out that about nine Antharin and three car bombs used in the attacks on the prisons as well as they faced the shelling of more than 100 mortar rounds, and reported They formed committees to achieve the attacks and conduct a census to make sure no prisoners escape.
It is noteworthy that the incidence of violence in Baghdad has seen since the beginning of February 2013, a steady rise, as according to the United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), in the first of June 2013, that last May, witnessed the death or injury of 3442 operations Iraqi violence in different parts of the country , while showed (UNAMI), the beginning of July of this, that the outcome of violence in Iraq during last June reached about 2532 people, and stressed that Baghdad was the “most vulnerable” to acts of violence.