Nuri trial has become a necessity

Nuri trial has become a necessity

Published on: 10-29-2016, 13:28

Nuri trial has become a necessityFree event
By Lance .. Sheikh Mahmoud appearance
I want to make the start on the threshold of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan’s political bureau to give them a size bigger than the real size it deserves Maliki in the official response to the ridiculous accusations that are free of any political thrust. Vnora this faith effort now trying to shine a spotlight on himself by any means yet aware that his star may waffle, and that place now is the archive of Iraqi politics is not her lead.
Those familiar with the recent accusations Nuri for the Kurdistan Region up to a conviction that the man had arrived in the state of hopeless political ignorance does not work with him, but to retire from politics and start writing his memoirs for eight lean years he spent in office was one of the worst years that have passed Iraq over its history.
Fi political accusation is supposed to be fact based on solid information based on the fixed signs, do not be a media and social networking sites is the source of the information in, we may be left Nuri (Btalaath Gorgeous sharp and his view that that indicates anything, it shows the wisdom and the capacity of political stimuli) to accuse region that has become an anchor for Israel, and was adopted at the accused Hmaaly three points .. the first is to set up a funeral in Kurdistan Israeli politician Shimon Peres, and the second point is the opening of an Israeli exhibition, and the third the presence of an Israeli reporter on the fighting fronts with Daesh in the vicinity of Mosul.
This is the political justification illustrious and Alvtahl hotshot Nuri in Kurdistan accusation about such a serious accusation … Is this accusation and in this way can release him man sane and conscious of what he says, or is it from Trahat bad times that made the likes of this man represents a broad spectrum of Iraqis and speak in their name? Since when was the obituary anywhere in the world needs a formal approval for the Nati and criticize the official authorities in Kurdistan in allowing some Kurds with Jewish assets to establish a political funeral for the death of a Jew? .. Do you then that the presence of an Israeli reporter entered the Kurdistan Region a European passport and had to send reports to the many satellite channels including an Israeli satellite is a point Taakhz by official authorities in Kurdistan?
Yes ..imkn Nuri considered that spoofs the dramatic political scene in Iraq .. What chance that propel him to the front of the political process until Tlagafth Iran is taking advantage of the weakness of character and lack of political assented to hit the puppet driven by this party or that an investigation of political interests. And it succeeded through which to control Iraq completely and then taken by a shield used in the fight against Sunni Arab states in the region. This is the secret of all the threatening language and progressive in his statements since the beginning of his first term and up to the present day … though not Nuri Yat political scene goes to the Iraqi political process in the last track is quite different from its current path away from convulsions and tensions. And when I arrived things to what we have reached now, the corruption and destruction of all walks of life, and for the Iraqi bleeding as bleeding and bleeding now.
You’ve called out in two thousand and eleven for the trial of al-Maliki for treason after the insistence of unprecedented him for the exit of US troops from Iraq, despite numerous warnings by most politicians and security leaders Iraqis at the time of the danger of this trend and its timing wrong, stressing that the Iraqi security forces are not capable of keeping the security file in Iraqi cities then, however, he and Iran under pressure, insisted on his position, helped him achieve this coming of Obama to the White House then orientations moderate. And it is held responsible for all the blood spilled since that time until the present day.
But today it has become the subject brought to justice unavoidable after his involvement in the fall of Mosul, however Daesh .. All the evidence shows that Nuri is solely responsible for the fall of that city, and he has done so for manslaughter and monitored, so as to expand the Syrian internal conflict to the outside Syrian border, and emptied of political content, then give him a sectarian dimension, even if at the expense of the people of Iraq. Vazaar Daesh to represent the other side of the Sunni in this conflict within him beforehand solidarity of the international community, and enabled him to enter the international efforts to fight terrorism after the failure of last visit to America (in his second term) to persuade Obama to involve Iraq and Iran in the global war on terrorism.
These two former reasons are not the only ones who deserve to be tried and Nuri Vgahma, many causes of his trial, including: –
– Astahtarh money Iraq throughout the eight years of his reign, which was Iraq, which gets a huge imports of oil are all gone unheeded because of financial and administrative corruption, which was encouraged, and protect the thieves capital of the world, to the extent that corruption has become a phenomenon prevails Iraqi society and be proud of the corrupt without shame .
– Destroy the military institution and bring militias unruly place, which threatens Since the shedding of far more Iraqi bloodshed in the future.
– It attempts is going on in the orbit of the deputies and politicians legitimize terrorism these militias pass a law that protects the Iraqi parliament from what you are doing these militias of crimes.
– Nuri has not only enabled this militia from the necks of Iraqis but had called a few days before the fight, not only in Syria and even in Yemen when he said (coming, paper and coming, Yemen) in the direction of it to export terrorism, these militias and Voazavitha outside Iraq’s borders and turn them into aggregates terrorism international.
All of these charges and many other binding judicial authorities in Iraq because the tasks and responsibilities towards the people and the law, and calls for the prosecution of the person who represents his presence outside the prison burden for Iraq and the region and threatens the shedding of more blood.