Nujaifi: All Iraqi leaders will boycott Iran for fear of America .. This is what Abdul Mahdi knows

Nujaifi: All Iraqi leaders will boycott Iran for fear of America .. This is what Abdul Mahdi knows

2019/04/23 15:04

Nujaifi - All Iraqi leaders will boycott Iran for fear of America .. This is what Abdul Mahdi knowsBaghdad today – Baghdad

The leader of the Alliance for Reform and Reconstruction, former governor of Nineveh, Athil Nujaifi, said Tuesday, April 23, 2019, that all political leaders in Iraq will boycott Iran, for fear of colliding with US requirements.

“Iraqi leaders, whether Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi or the political blocs close to the Iranian influence, will all accept the boycott and do not clash with the American requirements, because everyone is trying to stay in his political position and does not want him to collapse,” Nujaifi said.

“The US sanctions are very serious for Iraq and Abdul-Mahdi knows that, and I do not think he has promised Tehran any more. On the contrary, his recent meeting in Iran showed that Iraq can not stand up to US economic sanctions against Tehran.”

On Tuesday, April 23, 2019, the Arabic-language Al Alam television channel reported that Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi had told Tehran explicitly that Baghdad would not be part of any US embargo on Iran.

“The report came during the meeting of Abdul-Mahdi on Tuesday morning, the governor of the Central Bank of Iran Abdul Nasser Hamati, who assured him that Abdul Mahdi clearly that Iraq will not be part of the US embargo against Iran

The White House announced on Monday, April 22, 2019, That US President Donald Trump, decided not to renew the exemption of countries from the sanctions imposed on Iran and the import of oil from them.

“US President Donald Trump has decided not to renew exemptions for oil sanctions against Iran,” the White House said in a statement.

He pointed out that “the decision is aimed at stopping Iran’s oil exports completely while depriving the regime there of its main income,” adding that “Washington, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi agreed to move to meet the needs of the oil market.”

“Washington and its allies will exert maximum economic pressure on Iran,” he said.

A source close to the government, Tuesday (April 23, 2019), revealed the fact that Washington issued a resolution abolishing Iraq’s exemption from US sanctions against Iran in the fields of importing oil and gas derivatives for the operation of power plants.

“The decision of US President Donald Trump, which was issued yesterday, abolished the exemption of 8 countries for six months from the import of Iranian oil and waved sanctions, does not include Iraq at all, because it is for the importers of crude oil only, Iraq,” the source said in an interview with Baghdad today. Not imported, but is one of the main producers in the world. ”

“The resolution does not include stopping Iran’s food exports to Iraq because it is purely oil,” he said.

He added that “Washington gave Iraq additional time to import gas from Iran before a period of 45 days, and there are assurances that the possibility of being extended again as Iraq is indispensable for Iranian gas in this period to operate its electrical stations and any cut for this supply will make Iraq lose 4000 (four thousand ) MW of its electric output and the summer on the doors as is known and it is not possible at all.