“No session next Saturday” .. Law: Sudanese will present half of the cabinet

“No session next Saturday” .. Law: Sudanese will present half of the cabinet


No session next Saturday .. Law - Sudanese will present half of the cabinetInformation/special.
Today, Wednesday, the State of Law coalition ruled out holding a session of the House of Representatives to vote on the booth of the new government, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, next Saturday, while setting the optimal date for choosing the Sudanese ministers.

And the leader of the coalition, Jassim Muhammad, said, in an interview with “Information”, that “the date for resolving the file of Muhammad Shia’a Al-Sudani government cabinet will be within the next week,” stressing that “the majority of the ministries will be presented during the next parliamentary session, and at least more than half of the cabinet will be presented. 50 + 1 for the government to be formally formed.”

He added, “It is possible to create some important positions and ministries in order to satisfy some political parties such as independent representatives and other components, which may be at the level of the Ministry of Women and Family Affairs or the Ministry of Parliament Affairs in coordination with the governorates, meaning ministers of state.”

The leader of al-Maliki’s coalition explained that “there is a refusal by some political blocs to increase any ministry other than the ministries recognized during the formation of the government cabinet.”

And he indicated that “the Prime Minister-designate has a road map for the cabinet before he officially announces his assignment by the President of the Republic, where the distribution of ministers to components and blocs is according to their weight in Parliament.”

The State Administration coalition had set next Saturday an official date for voting on the next government
