Next US president must hold Maliki accountable for misuse of power

NEW YORK (Iba) … The New York Times reported widespread that under the American presidents so far, the regime of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is moving in a climate of impunity, while the U.S. administration focused on calming Iraq and building their way to leave. In the context of fear and Washington how that is reflected by the criticism of Iraq on U.S. policy and its opposition to the critical date for any return of involvement in Iraqi affairs, the curriculum followed may represent in الإشاحة her face away, while moving Iraq, contrary to the strategic interests of the U.S. in the region.

And spins clash current interests on Syria, and it is right, and in line with U.S. interests, to reach the rule of President Bashar al-Assad to end in Syria, and the United States should at least be able to prevent its allies from helping in the transfer of weapons to the Assad regime.

Have reported a Reuters report, finally, that Iraq allows sending individuals and dozens of tons of weapons to Syria through its airspace almost daily, and press reports that the buses carrying as well as individuals of weapons and supplies to the Assad regime has flowed from Iraq to Syria.

The called the Obama administration in Iraq to stop this practice, but there were not responsive, and had to be there condemnation comprehensive behavior of Iraq, and demanding Iraqis to stop such practices immediately or face the loss of friendship between their country in Washington, including the loss of $ 1.7 billion of support U.S. due to Iraq, and an end to U.S. arms deals.

The Maliki government through its contribution to the re-arming of the Assad regime, is responsible for prolonging the conflict, which claimed the lives of a large number of people, and the overthrow of the stability of Lebanon, and threatens to drag Turkey and Jordan to the brink of conflict.

The Iraq could help more, if that Baghdad had seriously objected to such use of its airspace, it would have been hard to imagine weapons and fighters in this way the great support of the Assad regime.

And not external influence is the only influencing factor in the behavior of the Iraqi Currently, tendency National have an effect as well, which often expresses itself, and the Maliki government may be happy to play the paper sectarian when matching it, but it eventually paid a firm commitment to ensuring the survival of his regime.

In short, al-Maliki is dominated by the disintegration of the parliamentary political system in Iraq, and the United States do not do something about it.

The next U.S. president, he must embark on accounting Maliki government for misuse of power, and its role in enabling the Assad regime from rearming.