Newspaper: Maliki made a proposal to infallible to dissolve the government of Abadi

Newspaper: Maliki made a proposal to infallible to dissolve the government of Abadi and the establishment of elections in these areas, without others

2017/12/23 14:07

Newspaper - Maliki made a proposal to infallible to dissolve the government of AbadiBaghdad today – follow-up

The Bahraini newspaper “Akhbar Al-Khaleej” reported on Saturday that Vice President Nuri al-Maliki, a proposal to the presidency of the republic to dissolve the federal government and postpone the elections in the Sunni areas, while noting that the proposal to hold elections in Shiite areas only, as she put it.

The newspaper quoted a source in the Presidency of the Republic of Iraq, that “Vice President Nuri al-Maliki, and as part of his efforts to remove Prime Minister Haider Abadi from office by any means possible, she said, suggested to President Fuad Masum dissolve the government of Abadi and postpone the elections in Sunni areas and conducted in Shiite cities “.

The source of the newspaper that “Maliki sent a letter to President Fuad Masum, in which he pointed out that the articles in the Iraqi constitution allows to keep the current parliament full members, despite the end of his constitutional work to oversee the elections in the appropriate circumstances and precede the solution of the existing government.

“The parliamentary session in the Iraqi constitution is four calendar years, starting from the first session and ending at the end of the fourth year. This means that it is possible to start a new parliamentary session without holding elections because the constitution did not stipulate that,” the letter said.

“Accordingly, Maliki proposed to the President of the Republic, to dissolve the government of Abbadi after the end of its constitutional life in April next year, and the formation of a new government to oversee the elections in Shiite cities and postponement in Sunni areas affected for a year or two.

“Political sources point out that Maliki’s proposal was made in coordination with Iranian parties and with a number of leaders of the armed Shiite factions in order to dissolve the Abadi government and remove him from the decision-making circle and prevent his completion of his government program aimed at pursuing corruption, A second government term is likely or certain. ”

“Maliki and those with him fear that Abadi will remain at the head of power for four years to come because he will dismantle the subordination of Iraq gradually from Iran and return to its Arab incubator, which does not appeal to the Shiite forces linked to Iran and implementing its agendas in Iraq and the region!”