New York Times: Iraqi anger burns the Iranian consulate in Najaf

New York Times: Iraqi anger burns the Iranian consulate in Najaf


Iran consulateClackamsh Press

The New York Times published a report on the events in the city of Najaf, describing what happened as an Iraqi “night of anger” in the face of Iranian influence in Iraq after the burning of the Iranian consulate in the province.
The paper said dozens of people were killed and wounded protesters and Iraqi security forces during the events.
The newspaper quoted a cleric in Najaf as saying that the attack on the consulate sends a clear message that a segment of Iraqi society rejects the Iranian political presence in the country and holds it responsible for bringing this government.
In addition to the presence of Iran’s allies in the Iraqi government, Iran has relations with many militias, as there are fears that Iran will exploit them in these events.
The Iraqi government has urged restraint and advised protesters to refrain from violence, but has used increasingly strong language urging the government to make far-reaching changes to its electoral law to quell corruption and meet peaceful protesters’ demands.