New Outcomes from the Talks of the Prime Minister and the US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

New Outcomes from the Talks of the Prime Minister and the US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

2024-09-26 | 04:40

New Outcomes from the Talks of the Prime Minister and the US Deputy Secretary of the TreasuryRevealed, today Thursday, September 26, 2024, New details on the talks between the Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani and US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meetings two days ago.
He says source A government source told Sumaria News that “the discussions that took place between the Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani and US Deputy Treasury Secretary Wali Adeyemo on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meetings two days ago and the resulting statements and declarations, clearly reflect the Iraqi government’s ongoing efforts in the field of financial and banking reform as a vital and central goal within the program that the government has sought to implement during the past two years.

He added, “The Iraqi government has previously contracted with…a company Ernst & Young Global to restructure some government banks, including two banks Mesopotamia And Rashid, and work on this has begun. Mission For several months, the Central Bank has contracted with a company Oliver Wyman Global Banking Development Al-Ahly The contract will be implemented in the coming period.”

Regarding the remaining points discussed in the meeting, such as strengthening financial relations with USE fforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, the source confirms that “Iraq communicates regularly with countries and international financial organizations to implement compliance standards and systems to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, and it continues its efforts in this field through its cooperation and continuous coordination with both MENAFATF and FATF organizations concerned with combating money laundering and terrorist financing, in addition to holding Iraq For agreements and memoranda of understanding with other countries to implement the latest standards in this field.

He points out the “importance of some points referred to in the statement of the US Treasury Department that followed the meeting, including in particular:

1- The commitment shown by the US Treasury Department regarding supporting Central Bank of Iraq As well as the reform plans that the Prime Minister seeks in the financial and banking field.

2- The US Treasury statement clearly focused on the 6.0 percent growth in Iraq’s non-oil economy, in light of the efforts made by the Iraqi government to diversify the economy and not rely exclusively on the oil sector.

The source states that “the US Treasury statement Reflects Clearly, the positive view adopted by international bodies, banks, investors, and economic experts, regarding the efforts made by the Iraqi government and the Prime Minister in the economic field in general and the financial and banking field in particular.