Net reveals near the draft 2014 budget law for Parliament

Net reveals near the draft 2014 budget law for Parliament


Net reveals near the draft 2014 budget law for ParliamentBAGHDAD / News: detection and Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs purity of net debt, on Monday, near the provision of government for the 2014 budget law to the House of Representatives after the completion of the bulk of them.

Safi said the agency “News” that “the government has completed the bulk of the budget next year 2014, to be submitted to the House of Representatives soon.”

He added that “the budget law need for an integrated the تنضيج process in all its aspects”, adding that “the government is keen to be provided as soon as possible so take a role in the legislation, it needs to be a great time for discussion.”

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance Fadel Abdul Nabi had announced, Sunday, that the amounts set by the ministries counterbalance have exceeded the amount of the state budget which is set at 145 trillion dinars for the coming year 2014, noting that the ministry is in the process of reducing such amounts to the extent that can be met during the next year , and that the budget deficit exceeded 18 trillion dinars.

And ratified by the Iraqi government, on 22 October last year, the draft budget in 2013 of $ 138 trillion dinars (equivalent to 118.6 billion U.S. dollars), while the budget in 2012 was more than 118 trillion dinars, the equivalent of $ 100 billion.

Iraq relies mainly on its oil exports in achieve financial Mrdodath and faces difficulty in making progress in the industrial and agricultural sector, tourism and seeking strategic plans adopted by successive Iraqi governments on the development of local productive sectors to achieve financial returns to the state treasury.