Near Fallujah currently fully liberalized

Near Fallujah currently fully liberalized

6/25/2016 0:00

Near Fallujah currently fully liberalizedMosul packed with corpses «Aldoaash» and streets filled with handicapped
BAGHDAD – morning / MOSUL – Sunrise Maher
called the commander of the liberation of Fallujah operations, on Friday, all the media , including malicious and skeptical of them to see the size of the victories of our valiant and cleanliness of the battle , given the slight damage suffered by the city, compared to the remnants of the «Aldoaash» defeated remaining in the Jolan neighborhood , burning down houses in order to discredit the pieces , which is about to declare Fallujah fully liberated .. the leadership announced to impose control over the hand Makhoul north of Baiji and raising the Iraqi flag over the position .. confirmed that our troops have the lead completely in cutters Shirqat Qayyarah evidence incursion special force to the depth of Qayyarah and the rhythm of senior leaders to «Daash» in captivity.
approaching the final victory
and , while a spokesman for the joint special operations command Brigadier General Yahya Messenger revealed that the declaration of the city of Fallujah fully liberalized often approached after the completion of clearing alleys of Jolan neighborhood , a process last resort for the remainder of Statoil «Aldoaash», assured the commander of the Fallujah operations Lt. Gen. Abdul – Wahab al – Saadi everyone that the process of liberation of the city is going a deliberate pace accurately and tend to achieve all their pages. This came during a meeting with the Deputy Army Chief of Staff for Operations and field commanders who gave a detailed explanation on the progress of clearing the remaining pockets of terrorists «Daash» in preparation for the completion of the pieces of work and the announcement of the city of Fallujah completely liberated operations. A statement of the Ministry of Defense for Saadi confirmed during the meeting that the process of liberalization took place ensuring the observance of civilians and the preservation of public property, infrastructure, and is one of the cleanest battles waged by the World armies , given the slight damage suffered by the city, which is negligible in accordance with the military perspective, called All media, including the malicious and skeptical to come to Fallujah and roaming the neighborhoods and streets, and see the field on the size of the victory achieved by our armed forces brave. Aldoaash burning homes as a result of feeling the remnants of «Aldoaash» remaining in the Golan neighborhood that defeat befell them actually resorted to burning houses as the last sheet to discredit troops liberated .. as federal police captain Raed Shakir Jawdat said that our aircraft spotted the march «Aldoaash» they are burning the houses in Fallujah in flames more than 25 houses. For its part the media war cell said that the terrorists in another neighborhood they are in and what is left of some pockets in the Jolan neighborhood , had yesterday a campaign to burn citizens and public property houses in a desperate attempt to give justification liar authorities tendentious to undermine the reputation of this clean battle. Edit hand Makhoul move to the News vast operation liberalization confined between Sharqat area north of Salahuddin and south of Nineveh Qayyarah what is around them, confirmed media military cell, in a flash that the heroes of the fight against terrorism a band 9 took control of the hand Makhoul and raised the Iraqi flag at the position after the incurrence enemy Aldaasha great losses in lives and equipment . also confirmed the Ministry of defense, said the leadership of Salahuddin operations forces continued progress toward its goals for the process of liberalization Shirqat Qayyarah, and seized control of the Sheikh Ali district, and in coordination with the army Air wheel was destroyed bomb killed more than 40 terrorists there. penetrated to a depth of Qayyarah so stressed commander anti – terrorism device Lt. Gen. Abdul – Ghani al – Asadi, that the security forces have the reins of the military initiative in cutters Shirqat Qayyarah , although the gangs «Daash» fortified Sharqat of three defensive positions when the divider is made ​​up of three screens and three minefields, pointing out that the battle Sharqat will be different from its predecessors. this control proven beyond doubt that the confidentiality of the process carried out by the quality of the regiment of special anti – terrorism device’s Gold band, under the confirmed intelligence in depth Qayyarah reported the presence of senior leaders Bdaash in that region. As in charge said the implementation of the duty of being surprised deliver Aldoaash themselves without any little resistance. Breadth of tombs in Mosul As a result of the foregoing .. proceeded gangs «Daash» to completely cut off the power for hand Qayyarah and villages affiliate, said Brigadier General in Nineveh Mohammed al – Jubouri , the police, the correspondent morning, the terrorists took this measure as a punishment for the residents and told them that he does not return to power at all, as well as to avoid air strikes on their hideouts at night. He added that the terrorists were arrested young people from their homes at dawn on charges of spying for the security forces within the side and took them to an unknown destination. His colleague in Nineveh police Col. Khalid Jawaa, told the correspondent that the hospitals in Mosul has recently received many elements of «Daash» injured on the outskirts of Mosul battles as well as the high number of dead. And that the streets and markets of the city filled with Baldoaash disabled or mentally disturbed by what had been him who has studied at the hands of brave troops. Urban spend also saw a collective escape the elements and the leaders of «Daash» with their vehicles towards the center of Mosul.