National: The government is trying to appease Bank and the International Monetary through reforms

National: The government is trying to appease Bank and the International Monetary through reforms

06.12.2016 at 10:05 (Baghdad time)

National - The government is trying to appease Bank and the International Monetary through reformsSpecial – balances News
MP for the National Bloc Abdullah al-Jubouri, said on Sunday that the reform in a manner born president of the Council of Ministers of the mess by offering reforms to cancel Ministries to provide a closed envelope.
Jubouri said L / balance News / “The reforms are not to cancel or merge ministries, and this will generate another problem affecting the public money, even if the purpose is to please the World Bank,” adding that his handling of the President of the Council of Ministers is incorrect and generated chaos in the State Administration “.
He Jubouri that “blocks, which entered with Abadi in this way is to hold the scene, as well as a lack of credibility in the frankness of the people and clarify things for what they are in order to avoid all those problems which signed the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives.”
He said al-Jubouri that “the real problem is the World Bank, who spoke on condition on government downsizing, taxation, and other conditions made things up to this level, and therefore the public does not know how the prime minister handles the saving and other money deficit to continue in the work of the state.”
Jubouri and “Iraq has been receiving over the past decade amounts for oil source, and no support at the level of the European Parliament and some countries allied with the United States to occupy Iraq, under the slogan, inter alia, a replay of the reconstruction and support of the affected provinces, but today arrived deficit is not likely to be a loan from international institutions filled. ”
He Jubouri that “the World Bank put pressure on Iraq in order to reduce the number of ministries and institutions in the state for control of Iraq’s economic situation, and this is born a real crisis, where there are no jobs may extend to five or ten years to come.”
Iraq has suffered from difficult conditions Atsadah Ntjah lower oil prices, big mistakes in Turakhad rounds that Iraq has signed with the oil companies. / End 29
From: Flaih slain