National Reform confirms that the document named the National Alliance, the largest bloc correct

National Reform confirms that the document named the National Alliance, the largest bloc correct

27/07/2014 17:58

National Reform confirms that the document named the National Alliance the largest bloc correctFollow-up – and babysit – said the National Reform Alliance / al-Jaafari said the document naming the National Alliance is the largest bloc correct and President Fuad Masum cost the candidate of the National Alliance to form a new government.
Said Ahmed Jamal, spokesman for the Alliance of National Reform / al-Jaafari said in a statement received news agency public opinion, a copy of the “document named the National Alliance, the largest bloc is correct and the President Fuad Masum cost the candidate of the National Alliance to form a new government.”

After the selection of the President and the House of Representatives and his deputies there were only served as the next prime minister, a maturity to block the largest parliamentary any of the National Alliance on according to the data, which were produced by the parliamentary elections which were held on the thirtieth of the month of April and receiving a majority of the seats in Parliament, and is now incumbent on the President of the Republic The team assigned the largest parliamentary bloc to nominate a personal acceptable national wide for prime minister.

The head of the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari had said in an earlier statement that the alliance is the parliamentary majority in the House of Representatives, stressing that he was announced in the media and in the presence of all the coalition parties, including a coalition of state law.

Jaafari said that “the National Alliance is the largest parliamentary bloc, and not a coalition of state law, adding that he did not name the largest parliamentary bloc during the first session of parliament, but he also said .. but we stood in front of the media, and we read the statement to that effect in the presence of all the symbols of the National Alliance, including a coalition of state law.” .

M. J