National Alliance reiterates its full support for Ebadi in all procedures reform
National Alliance reiterates its full support for Ebadi in all procedures reform
02/11/2015 08:48 GMT
Continue . And babysit – said the National Alliance, on Monday, expressed his support for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the formation of the government and all Ojrath reform.
He said the National Alliance member Hassan Khalati in an interview for “public opinion” and babysit “he Nie by the National Alliance does not exist in the withdrawal of confidence or a mandate from the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi because he is from a constitutional standpoint, I’ve been voting on it and resolve the matter, noting that in the event of withdrawal trust or authority of the House of Representatives Abadi needs a new resolution to be voted on in the House of Representatives.
He added that the issue is Khalati Att in being only send a message urges the lack of consultation and monopolization of decision articulated in any issue of concern to the reforms in the country such as the pay scale reform Aoajraat other.
In another context, called Khalati Iraqi Council of Representatives on the need to vote to determine the states of the three presidencies because of its great importance to end the debates and disagreements between the political blocs, explaining that this decision it of great importance that it is possible that the government of Kurdistan benefit in determining the presidency.
And between Khalati that the National Alliance is very keen on the need to resolve the presidency in Kurdistan and an end to the differences among themselves because it will affect negatively on the morale of the fighters, the Peshmerga as they are engaged in a war against Daash Wahhabi.