Nassif calls the people to express their rejection of mass takeover of Kuwait on Iraqi territory

Nassif calls the people to express their rejection of mass takeover of Kuwait on Iraqi territory

Saturday, March 9, 2013

BAGHDAD – babysit – MP for the coalition called the Iraqi Free high Nassif, the Iraqi people to express their rejection of mass takeover of Kuwait on Iraqi territory in the Umm Qasr area includes 250 homes.
She said in a statement has received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of “The Kuwait exploited opportunity for Iraq to lift the seventh item with him, Fbachert border demarcation with Iraq under the auspices of the United Nations at this time after condoned since April 1993 after the forced the previous regime to grant Kuwait those lands. ”

He explained, “The Iraqi territory that will capture the Kuwaiti authorities in the Umm Qasr area corresponding to the Abdali area covers an area of relatively large and currently has more than 250 houses, note that this shameful farce occur under the eyes of the United Nations and with the blessing of its representative in Iraq.”

She added that “it is painful that most Iraqi politicians are busy Bouklavathm to end political and arrived later to use the language of treason and the exchange of accusations and insults, while pirated exercise Kuwait of Iraqi territory without the bother of a”.

She Nassif “How will be the fate of Iraqi families that will displace from their homes by an estimated 250 houses?. Advocate of the masses of the Iraqi people to go out in demonstrations denouncing Kuwaiti expansion at the expense of Iraqi sovereignty.” P / h