Najafi displays “half a million dollars” each deputy voted against the mandate of the third-Maliki

Najafi displays “half a million dollars” each deputy voted against the mandate of the third-Maliki

06/02/2014 19:09

Najafi displays half a million dollars each deputy voted against the mandate of the third-MalikiAwan / Baghdad
We may find Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi in the coming period bankrupt because of Ahdarah of money large earned thanks to the advantage of his position as head of the parliament, all of this to achieve the goals of evil and non-arrival of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for the third term through vote-buying new deputies in parliament, a small amount of half a million dollars U.S..
But if we adopted the international statistics for Najafi and earned a fortune during the last ten years by taking advantage of his posts by the former chairman of the parliament, we will find the amount of half a million dollars drop in the ocean of what is now owned by Najafi.
One of the new deputies revealed for “Awan”, for “the existence of attempts provided by brokers Professor Najafi offer in which attractive offers for voice MP in parliament to block united to stand against the biggest bloc in parliament, a state law to repel the draft mandate third candidate Nouri al-Maliki.”
The MP said he personally offered him the matter, explaining that he “initially when someone whispered with his permission, saying: What if I offered you stand with Najafi in his campaign to bring down the project of state law in return for half a million dollars, I answered immediately joked and Iraqi dialect” if ten thousand I agree dollars. ”
He added: “I forgot the subject and I thought then that the man who Vathani the subject, one of my friends three years ago was joking, but after ten days exactly, the same man visited me into the house, along with a black bag, accompanied by the young age of 28 years or so.”
“The man opened the bag and told me that this amount promised in case of voting against the third term and you know the other senators to vote against the third we are grateful to you, and I told him no mandate mean? Said the state of al-Maliki, and I told him it is revealed to you Tugeati It is said I’m with you Maliki or against him, even when whispered ears mean ten days ago .. At that time Tejeltk kidding me you did not imagine this ugliness and want to buy my conscience. ”
He explained, “when I realize I’m starting to lose my temper pointed to the owner in order to equip himself for the departure, and actually hastened to Todiei and before he told me you lost the amount of half a million dollars in profit for a number of your colleagues this gift compared to the first vote for them in the new parliament.”
The bottom thread that these plots malignant know it existed in personal Najafi, when he was working in the government of the former regime for 12 years under the government of former Baath did his representative any little damage, but the foundations in 1992 his own company under the years the unjust blockade on the Iraqis and not on the system, which He worked under his umbrella and earn millions while the Iraqi individual bemoans a living.
And after 2003, was able to penetrate the governments after the former regime and assume the post of Minister of Industry and Minerals at the time of the Jaafari government, a period is good for him, where was able to put his hand on all mega projects in the ministry and the profit from which a lot of money their American Association known as the 700 million U.S. dollars.
And we ask how much 700 million dollars obtained Najafi through office after 2003, especially as it spoiled child to Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and how much million dollars given to Ngeevi order to buy votes with money not tired it never, so we find it easier to lure new deputies half a million dollars or even a million or two and more in order to demolish what has been built after years of the former regime, which had belonged to him Najafi.