Mr. Ammar al-Hakim reveals the formation of the shadow government and the reasons behind the wisdom of the opposition (expanded)
Mr. Ammar al-Hakim reveals the formation of the shadow government and the reasons behind the wisdom of the opposition (expanded)
2019/6/29 18:52
The leader of the National Wisdom Current Movement, Mr. Ammar al-Hakim, revealed the formation of the shadow government and the reasons behind the wisdom of the opposition. He pointed out that the national opposition came to overcome the political and consensual quotas and the mistakes of democracy. And the judiciary to provide legal and practical cover for the protection of political opposition.
“The commemoration of the glory and heroic positions is an entrance to the consolidation of the national identity,” Ammar al-Hakim said in a speech at a celebration marking the 99th anniversary of the 20th revolution in the office of his eminence in Baghdad. “The revolution of the twentieth century after 99 years is still present, Our conscience and will remain a point and light in the glories of this nation. ”
“The spark of the revolution began on June 30, 1920, when Sheikh Shaalan Abu al-Joun was summoned to the government palace in Rumaitha following the announcement by the clan of the al-Dhawalim of the Bani Hajim tribes against the English on June 25, and he was arrested and attacked.
Mr. Ammar al-Hakim, said that the revolution of the twentieth was: –
a genuine Iraqi national revolution away from any foreign and foreign agenda.
Revolution led by reference and tribal tools and arms.
The role of Imam Hakim in the Holy Mosque Mr. Said Haboubi .. {Integrative roles between reference reference and tribal commitment to make disability in this country and noted the impact of the advisory opinion and the response of the tribes and the realization of the liberation of the land}.
A revolution for independence and sovereignty.
Revolution against injustice, corruption and political follow-up.
Revolution against discrimination and unjust distribution of wealth.
Revolution to build an independent Iraqi state and succeeded in establishing the modern Iraqi state.
It is no coincidence that the month of revolution a century ago is the same month as the birth of the constructive constitutional national political opposition.
The announcement of the “national opposition” came as a third step in the consolidation of national democratic action in the country.
In 2017 we announced the emergence of the stream of national wisdom as a national youth project passing through political polarization sectarian, national and regional … and then bore the arrows of criticism and harsh interpretation … until it came to challenge and questioning.
In 2018 we participated with our partners in the establishment of the Alliance of Reform and Reconstruction and met with the coalition of construction in a move that exceeded sectarian and national alliances and bear the bitterness of betrayal and ready-made accusations.
In 2019 we announced the national political opposition to go beyond the political quotas and the compatibility and the mistakes of democracy, which we signed during the past 15 years .. And the establishment of the traditions of the state and its construction .. We must prepare for the charges and drip and defamation of the homeland.
As the revolution of the twentieth led to the establishment of the state before [99] years, the move of the national opposition, a cornerstone in building the state.
As the heroes of the twentieth revolution fought for the independence, unity and sovereignty of Iraq, we will work within the framework of the national opposition to:
1. Maintain Iraqi sovereignty.
2. To consolidate the independence of the Iraqi decision.
3. Guaranteeing Iraqi national unity.
Just as the symbols, leaders and heroes of the 20th revolution sacrificed their lives and souls to be a dear, independent and independent Iraq, we must sacrifice our precious and noble hand to carry out the national secretariat entrusted to us and deliver the flag to future generations with raised heads and noble souls.
As the heroes raised guns and light weapons available to remove the occupier and raised the banner of “bricks better if McCawari” and despite the unequal opportunities in the military potential, but overcame the occupier and defeated him. We take the votes and we will take the constitutional and legal steps to defend our people and their great interests.
We can only follow the path of these heroes and dedicate the lessons of patriotism, independence, sovereignty and dignity that they instilled in the conscience of this nation.
Yesterday, we had the honor to participate in the establishment of a pluralist democratic system of federalism and the drafting of the constitution. It is our honor today to establish the free and proud national opposition.
Yesterday, we were able to oppose the dictatorial regime of arms to overthrow it. Today we can oppose the government’s opposition to peaceful political, constitutional and legal steps and steps for the democratic system to maintain and preserve it and remove impurities, mistakes and deviations from it.
The opposition means ending the political consensus and renouncing quotas and ending the strange phenomenon in the participation of all and opposition to all. Previous governments were like Noah’s Ark, and everyone opposes it and no one bears responsibility.
We are part of the political system and the state and are present in the House of Representatives and in all the facilities of social and political influence, but we are outside the government that lasted four years and come and go and Iraq is still … and the state remains and we are part of it.
We have chosen the path of the national opposition to put an end to the political niceties based on personal, party and factional interests. This phenomenon has widened and threatens security and social peace. There are those who see themselves above the law. There are those who exceed the public money. There are those who are lenient in the security file. The other failures and serious deviations in the political process and public performance, and there are those who slow down the detection of corrupt .. All of the result of favoritism and weakness in the confrontation and resolution, which risk the prestige of the state and the law can not be met only with a national political opposition screaming and blaming the error E and deviations of courage and Jrih and clarity
.. we have chosen to confront the national opposition political exclusivity in the formation of the government and in the country and his administration ‘s decision , which is not defective in the event of those unique decision acknowledged full responsibility for success and failure in the government ‘s performance ..
The country needs a systematic national political opposition that works to sort out the political curricula, clearly define the area of responsibility, identify mistakes, thank achievements and positives, and provide our people with a political alternative and multiple options … to choose what he deems appropriate for running the country. The opposition and the government in everything .. If the government submitted a program to combat corruption and the development of agriculture, industry, investment and services, no one opposes these things .. But the opposition may be the way to implement these important things .. What are the policies? What is a team? What are the timings? What are the priorities? How are crises managed? How do you market achievement? And dozens of other questions are all serious discussions in the practical approach of the government to implement the government program.
– The fight against corruption is an important slogan raised by the government and here comes the opposition to strongly support the government in the fight against corruption, but may differ with them in how to control .. Is through dismantling the system? Without targeting the corrupt? Or by targeting large heads, the system breaks up?
Do we demand everyone to submit documents on corruption and without him is not entitled to talk? The truth is that the defamation of people is not proper, but the scrutiny of phenomena is the task of the government and its regulatory tools and its competent mechanisms, as in the fight against terrorism, and the fight against crime .. There is enough to hold the citizen something, he should inform the government of suspicious action or crime is a fact and the government is investigating and know To criminals and terrorists .. If I want to wave legal complaints against anyone who speaks of negative phenomena based on hearsay and common sighting and calls the competent authorities for scrutiny, this is to muzzle the mouths and abort the role of the opposition in the performance of its duties ..
I say clearly.
No democracy without opposition.
There is no balance without sharing roles.
No system without multiple curricula.
No success without sorting paths, defining spaces, and assuming responsibilities.
All this is our constructive national political opposition.
Is a purposeful, non-targeted opposition.
It is a diagnostic opposition not personalized.
It is an antagonistic, nonviolent opposition.
The Prime Minister, Mr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, is a national and sincere figure and a son of a decent family. We have a ten-year-old family. Many officials and ministers are the focus of our respect for their people and for the political forces that supported them. At the personal level, we have no problems with them. .. And
they should enjoy the chest in the acceptance of criticism directed at their performance by virtue of the public service they have received and responded to.
Our opposition to peaceful opposition is not violent.
It is a non-destructive reform.
It is an organization and an institution that is not absurd.
Therefore, we do not take responsibility for others who come out of this framework. We are absolved of every illegal and non-peaceful step that risks the security of the state and society, restricts people, violates the law and targets public and private property.
It is an Iraqi national opposition, not an external one linked to other agendas.
It is an independent opposition, independent of anyone.
It is an objective, non-derogatory opposition.
It is legal and not chaotic.
As it is a new and new opposition in our political system, I call upon elites, thinkers and public opinion to respond to the opinion, advice, ideas and practical proposals for building them properly to be a qualitative addition.
There is a national interest in establishing the national political opposition and making it succeed by turning a blind eye to the opposing forces.
We will target this national opposition.
1. Present our vision regarding the practical measures required to achieve real reform in the country.
2 and tighten the control within the constitutional and legal frameworks to confront:
policy of chaos and political apathy.
And the justification of service deficit.
And the behavior of non-state and quotas and resolution .. And political hypocrisy.
Extortion, corruption and political manipulation.
And the interpretation of charges and intimidation of others.
And a series of useless interests.
We went out to be loyal to our goals that we launched several years ago .. National majority or national political opposition has made great efforts to form a national majority, but we have not succeeded in achieving it was the result of that effort is a coalition of reform and reconstruction and we worked with our partners to institutionalize and turn it into a major national project We decided to go to the national political opposition to form the other wing that balances the democratic system.
We look forward to supporting this national opposition and rallying around it by tribal sheikhs, social activists, civil society organizations, the media and cooperating to make it a success as the cornerstone of democracy. We call on the three presidencies and the judiciary to provide legal and practical cover to protect the political and societal opposition and to respond to its logic in reform and treatment. It is a real test of the practice of democracy and the establishment of the principle of peaceful transfer of power.
We will work to form the shadow government, God willing, and should be allowed to exercise its role in monitoring and evaluating government performance and provide them with statistics, information and accurate data on government performance in all its details.
There is no monopoly of power.
And no monopoly on monitoring and evaluation.
And no monopoly on treatment and reform.
The enactment of laws in support of this role requires opposition, the Law on Access to Information, the Freedom of Expression Act and other laws.
The opposition does not target the people, but the curricula and it is wrong to put artificial red lines on their performance.
I say to all of them: “Every struggle has a price, and every foundation has a tax, and every contender has a bruise, and every stage has men, and you are the men of this stage, courageous and heroes.”
“Be patient and be patient and close and fear God so that you may prosper.” The light / 200.
Be steadfast and persevere and strive for your Lord, your country, your people, your conscience, your future and the future of your children.
We have nothing but this homeland, and what we have to do is struggle from, and we have nothing but steadfastness, and no weapon except the pen and the tongue and the pure heart and the good deed and the potential of the available resources to serve our people and our homeland.
I advise you to invoke your values, principles and ethics in every step and every word and in every assessment of others. They differ with honor and defend your country, your people and its interests with honor, and do not take you away from you. In God is a fitting lamb. ”
You are the parents, the clan, the treasure, the sword, the ammunition, be your country and your people will be your Lord .. and give you reward and reward, dignity and glory.
Strengthen the ranks and mobilize energies and sharpen the motivation to serve your people, not from the position of the changing men of power, but from the position of the permanent men of state.